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Arthropoda Phylum? Subphylum? Common name? Chelicerata Horseshoe crab.

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Presentation on theme: "Arthropoda Phylum? Subphylum? Common name? Chelicerata Horseshoe crab."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arthropoda Phylum? Subphylum? Common name? Chelicerata Horseshoe crab

2 Phylum? Subphylum? Common Name? Arthropoda Chelicerata Sea spider

3 Phylum: Common name: Arthropoda Amphipod

4 Common name? Isopod

5 What is this? An amphipod

6 What are these? Barnacles

7 What is this? A gooseneck barnacle

8 What is this? A fish louse which is an isopod

9 What are these? Rock lice – which are isopods

10 A B G C D E F A: B: C: D: E: F: G. ____________ ____________

11 G A B C D E F A: B: C: Cardiac stomach D: E: F: G: Digestive gland
Pyloric stomach Heart Posterior gastric muscle Dorsal abdominal artery Ostia of heart G A B C D E F

12 F A B C D E A: B: C: _______________ D: E: F: G: _______________

13 A: B: C: D: Proboscis Pedipalp Cephalothorax Abdomen A B C D

14 A: B: C: D: Abdomen Telson Compound eye Cephalothorax A C B D

15 Phylum? Subphylum? Common name? Arthropoda Crustacea Copepod

16 Note that I am laterally flattened
What am I? An amphipod

17 Phylum? Subphylum? Arthropoda Crustacea Decapods Fiddler Crab

18 Arthropoda Phylum? Subphylum? Common name? Crustacea Copepod

19 Arthropoda Phylum? Subphylum? How does this animal feed? Crustacea It is a filter feeder using modified legs called cirri to grab particles from the water column

20 Both of these animals are?

21 C D A B I G E H F

22 A: Antennae B: Antennules C: Cephalothorax D: Abdomen E: Cheliped F: Walking legs G: Swimmerets H: Uropod I: Telson

23 E A E B C F D

24 A: Anterior gastric muscle
B: Posterior gastric muscle C: Gills D: Heart E: Rostrum E: Cardiac stomach F: Ostia of heart

25 Arthropoda Phylum? Subphylum? Common name? Chelicerata Horseshoe crab C A D B E

26 A: Abdomen B: Telson C: Simple eye D: Compound eye E: Cephalothorax

27 B C A D E G F H I

28 A: Gastric teeth B: Pyloric stomach C: Heart D: Gonad (Testis) E: Dorsal abdominal artery F: Intestine G: Green gland H: Digestive gland I: Uropod

29 A D B C

30 A: Compound eye B: Pyloric stomach C: Mandibular muscle D: Cardiac stomach

31 A B G C D E F

32 A: Antenna B: Cheliped C: Walking leg D: Carapace E: Abdomen F: Telson G: Antennule

33 Opening of vas deferens
Copulatory swimmeret Opening of vas deferens

34 Subphylum Chelicerata
Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum Chelicerata Proboscis Cephalothorax Abdomen

35 A B C D

36 A: Proboscis B: Pedipalp C: Cephalothorax D: Abdomen

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