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Annelids Chapter 35 B.

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Presentation on theme: "Annelids Chapter 35 B."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annelids Chapter 35 B

2 About Annelids The term annelida means “little rings”
The rings refer to the many body segments

3 Characteristics This is a phylum with 15,000 species
All have bilateral symmetry Like mollusks – they are coelomates

4 Characteristics Segmentation is their most distinguishing feature
Each segment has its own coelom Allows different body parts to expand or contract independently Provides an insurance policy against injury

5 Characteristics More distinguishing features:
Setae (external bristles) Parapodia ( fleshy protrusions)

6 Class Oligochaeta “Few Bristles”

7 Oligochaeta These annelids live in freshwater or in the soil
They do not have parapodia They have very few setae ( “few bristles” )

8 Oligochaeta These annelids have more than 100 segments
Circular and longitudinal muscles line the body

9 Oligochaeta – digestive system
Earthworms ingest soil as they pass through it Soil enters the pharynx to the esophagus

10 Oligochaeta Then from the esophagus to the crop
Temporary storage site From the crop it moves to the gizzard Mechanical break down using stones

11 Oligochaeta From the gizzard to the intestine
Nutrients absorbed Waste proceeds through to the anus

12 Oligochaeta – circulatory system
Annelids have a closed circulatory system The system contains 5 pairs of aortic arches The arches link the dorsal to ventral blood flow

13 Oligochaeta – respiratory system
Mucus and a cuticle keep Annelids moist They absorb O2 and CO2 directly thru the skin

14 Oligochaeta – excretory system
Annelids get rid of waste and excess water with excretory tubules called nephridia Each segment – except first three and last – have their own pair of nephridia


16 Oligochaeta – nervous system
The nervous system is a chain of ganglia Ganglia connected to a ventral nerve cord Branches carry impulses to each segment

17 Oligochaeta – reproduction
Earthworms are hermaphrodites They are held together by setae and a film of mucus – during reproduction

18 Oligochaeta – reproduction
Their clitellum secretes the film of mucus The clitellum is a thickened section on the body of an earthworm

19 Class Polychaeta “Many Bristles”

20 About Polychaeta About two-thirds of all Annelids are here
They have antennae They have specialized mouth parts Most live in a marine environment They are free-swimming predators


22 Class Hirudinea

23 About Hirudinea This is the smallest class of Annelids
These are the leeches Most live in calm waters

24 About Hirudinea They have no setae or parapodia
They have anterior and posterior suckers

25 Annelids Chapter 35 B The End

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