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on the Mount passage, Jesus continues to look at the 5th Commandment.

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2 on the Mount passage, Jesus continues to look at the 5th Commandment.
In today’s Sermon on the Mount passage, Jesus continues to look at the 5th Commandment. Moving beyond “adultery of the heart”, Jesus addresses sensitive topics for so many in our culture: Marriage & Divorce

3 Matthew 5: 31-32 31 “It has been said, [Deut. 24: 1-4]
‘Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.’ 32 But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries that divorced woman commits adultery.”

4 “Porneia” “Illicit Sexual Intercourse” / Idolatry
Pre-Marital Sex (Fornication) Adultery Incest or Bestiality “Surrendering One’s Sexual Purity” “To Play the Harlot” “Marital Unfaithfulness”


6 Both of these views ignore God’s hatred
People held to 1 of 2 Jewish “schools” of thought: 1.) Divorce is only ok, if there was adultery. 2.) Divorce is allowed for any & every reason. Both of these views ignore God’s hatred of divorce!

7 Matthew 19: 1-12 & Mark 10: 1-12 Jesus speaks further about marriage, divorce, and remarriage…getting at the heart of what marriage should be and what often is at the root of divorce.

8 By putting Deut. 24: 1-4 in proper context, Jesus is trying to teach the Jews that rather than looking so hard for loopholes for divorce…they should work harder on keeping their own marriage vows that they made before God.

9 Just because God made allowances for and “tolerated” the hardness of heart that led to divorce in the Old Testament, Christians whose hearts have been made alive and filled with the Spirit should not fall under this category.

10 Matthew 19:10 The disciples said to him,
“If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry.” “Jesus, this committing to a faithful and pure marriage sounds HARD!!!”

11 John 4 & 8: 2-11 Jesus shows grace to and reveals
His identity to a woman who was divorced 5 times (and currently in an illicit affair). He also extends “holy mercy” to a woman caught in the act of adultery.


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