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Central Restructuring

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1 Central Restructuring
November 17,2016

2 Aims of re-structuring:
Optimize support for SD 23 schools Better meet the goals of the re-designed curriculum Increase life options for students Flexibility to respond to changing enrollment and populations Maintain connection to home-school for at-risk youth (Service vs School) Allow optimal flexibility with respect to entry points (continuous entry) Ensure every student has a teacher case manager who acts as a mentor and advocate Establish a more detailed intake process – greater teacher involvement Personalized response to student need Ensure each student is on a SLP or IEP that help to meet their personal goals

3 Use curriculum as a vehicle to address problem solving, critical thinking, communication and job readiness Increase employment skills and opportunities Ensure coverage of soft skills including resiliency, critical thinking, communication Incorporate principles of aboriginal learning and embrace re-design curriculum Balance student-staff ratio Focus on adult graduation Alignment of student data (barriers to education) with programs Mandatory social skills classes Greater community connection to support student career goals

4 Summer Session Year Round Schooling Embedded addiction/mental health curriculum Open earlier/Later Earn Fridays off More services at our satellite locations Alternate hours of operation Friday for planning, intake On site social worker, drug counsellor, public health nurse

5 Student demographics 80% of our students are CPS in district
80% of our students are CPS in district 10% DL at Central 10% out of district/province 10% Evergreen 55% 2004 35% Adult

6 Ministry Requirements for Tier 3 schools (Alternate)
Each Alternate Education Program will have: An intake process to facilitate district referrals or self- referral An annually reviewed learning plan for each student, either an official Individual Education Plan (IEP) or a Student Learning Plan that clearly defines the objectives for the student, additional services provided as required, progress made, and any transition plans.  An exit strategy to facilitate the student’s transition back into regular school system, continuing education centre, graduation or to work or post- secondary training and education.  Evidence of additional services as required by the student population (i.e. youth workers, drug and alcohol counsellors and/or sessions, etc...)

7 Essential Questions 1. How should we organize our students? Should they be organized by interests, needs, strengths, career goals etc. 2. What curriculum should we be teaching and how should it be delivered? (Math, English, Science, Job Readiness Skills, Resiliency, Communication Skills, Elective courses) 3. Should we change the way we typically deliver curriculum (mixed ability classrooms) e.g. Project-Based, Technology, Personalization, e-Portfolios, Cross curricular, learning in context (adventure based learning), community partnerships (YMCA, John Howard, OC, Local Businesses…), Thematic programs –Arts, Applied Skills, Science/Math, Writing, Career/Job readiness

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