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Project Syllabus: SHU Edition

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Presentation on theme: "Project Syllabus: SHU Edition"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Syllabus: SHU Edition
Amy Silvestri Hunter Department of Psychology

2 Project Syllabus Rubric based on empirical work/data
All examples are from my own syllabi unless otherwise noted

3 3 quick and easy changes you can make to enhance your syllabus (and your course)!
Faculty roles & responsibilities Be explicit

4 faculty roles & responsibilities
From Leslie Berntsen, Introductory Psychology

5 faculty roles & responsibilities
From Erin Hardin, Supervised Research/Fieldwork

6 3 quick and easy changes you can make to enhance your syllabus (and your course)!
Faculty roles & responsibilities Rationale Why?

7 rationale

8 3 quick and easy changes you can make to enhance your syllabus (and your course)!
Faculty roles & responsibilities Rationale Tone

9 tone

10 tone From Amy Joh, Elementary Psychological Statistics

11 3 quick and easy changes you can make to enhance your syllabus (and your course)!
Faculty roles & responsibilities Rationale Tone Your turn

12 3 not-as-quick-but-still-pretty-easy changes you can make to enhance your syllabus (and your course)! Student evaluation

13 Student evaluation Student evaluation

14 3 not-as-quick-but-still-pretty-easy changes you can make to enhance your syllabus (and your course)! Student evaluation Formative student performance feedback

15 Formative student performance feedback
From Erin Hardin, Supervised Research/Fieldwork

16 3 not-as-quick-but-still-pretty-easy changes you can make to enhance your syllabus (and your course)! Student evaluation Formative student performance feedback Multiple forms of assessment

17 Multiple forms of assessment

18 3 not-as-quick-but-still-pretty-easy changes you can make to enhance your syllabus (and your course)! Student evaluation Formative student performance feedback Multiple forms of assessment Your turn

19 Choose Your Own (Syllabus) Adventure
Category 1: Teaching Methods Category 2: Learner Support & Resources Category 3: Assessment & Evaluation of Student Learning Category 4: Course Design, Goals, & Learning Objectives Category 5: Syllabus Organization & Design

20 Category 1: Teaching methods
, course format for Methods

21 Category 1: Teaching methods
Student engagement

22 student engagement Tone Student engagement

23 student engagement ToC Student engagement
From Leslie Berntsen, Introductory Psychology ToC

24 Category 2: Learner support & resources
Accessibility/universal design for learning

25 Category 2: Learner support & resources
Accessibility/universal design for learning Student roles and expectations

26 student roles & expectations
From Amy Joh, Elementary Psychological Statistics

27 student roles & expectations

28 student roles & expectations

29 Category 2: Learner support & resources
Accessibility/universal design for learning Student roles and expectations Faculty roles and responsibilities

30 Category 2: Learner support & resources
Accessibility/universal design for learning Student roles and expectations Faculty roles and responsibilities Interaction and communication ToC

31 Category 3: Assessment & evaluation of student learning
Assignments Add biopsych lab grading

32 assignments

33 Category 3: Assessment & evaluation of student learning
Assignments Student evaluation

34 Category 3: Assessment & evaluation of student learning
Assignments Student evaluation Formative student performance feedback

35 formative student performance feedback

36 Category 3: Assessment & evaluation of student learning
Assignments Student evaluation Formative student performance feedback Multiple forms of assessment ToC

37 Category 4: Course design, goals, & learning objectives

38 rationale rationale

39 Category 4: Course design, goals, & learning objectives
Rationale Course goals The goal should be long-term, broad, and achievable but not necessarily measurable. The goal helps keep instruction focus on the targeted content. On the other hand, course objectives inform specific learning outcomes and are derived from the course goal.

40 Category 4: Course design, goals, & learning objectives
Rationale Course goals Learning objectives

41 learning objectives From Marianne Fallon, Research Methods I

42 Category 4: Course design, goals, & learning objectives
Rationale Course goals Learning objectives Alignment of class time allocation with learning objectives and course goals

43 Category 4: Course design, goals, & learning objectives
Rationale Course goals Learning objectives Alignment of class time allocation with learning objectives and course goals Alignment of learning objectives and assessment

44 alignment of learning objectives & assessment
From Marianne Fallon, Research Methods I

45 Category 4: Course design, goals, & learning objectives
Rationale Course goals Learning objectives Alignment of class time allocation with learning objectives and course goals Alignment of learning objectives and assessment Assessment strategies Frequent quizzing, weekly homework assignments, etc ToC

46 Category 5: Syllabus organization & design

47 organization organization

48 Category 5: Syllabus organization & design
Aesthetic design

49 aesthetic design From Thomas Davis, Psychology of Sleep & Dreams

50 aesthetic design From Angel Munoz, Motivation

51 Category 5: Syllabus organization & design
Aesthetic design Tone

52 tone

53 Category 5: Syllabus organization & design
Aesthetic design Tone Formatting

54 Category 5: Syllabus organization & design
Aesthetic design Tone Formatting Required materials

55 required materials ToC

56 Sources Project Syllabus web page: Rubric: %20FINAL%20with%20header.pdf Bibliography, scholarship of teaching & learning related to effective syllabus creation & course design: es.pdf PS rubric based on the Quality Teaching and Learning Rubric from Chico State University:


58 Category 1: Teaching Methods

59 Category 2: Learner support & resources

60 Category 2: Learner support & resources

61 Category 3: Assessment & evaluation of student learning

62 Category 3: Assessment & evaluation of student learning

63 Category 4: Course design, goals, and learning objectives

64 Category 4: Course design, goals, and learning objectives

65 Category 5: Syllabus organization & design

66 Category 5: Syllabus organization & design

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