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Code: Presentation Topic (Calibri 36 pt.)

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Presentation on theme: "Code: Presentation Topic (Calibri 36 pt.)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Code: Presentation Topic (Calibri 36 pt.)
7th Innovation Award Your First Name and Last Name Department and Division (Calibri 17 pt.)

2 Add text here. (Calibri 28 pt.)

3 Benefits Value Calculation
Total Unit Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 1) Potential Benefit (input either 1.1 or 1.2) 1.1) Revenue Increase 3.50 MM USD 1.2) Cost Saving - 2) Cost 2.1) CAPEX 1.00 2.2) OPEX 1.35 3) Net Benefit* 1.15 Criteria 3.1 Benefit > Cost = times Criteria 3.2 Average Net Benefit = MM USD/yr.

4 PTTEP Potential Benefit
1-Page Summary (This is not part of your oral presentation, just a summary for the judging committee’s reference. Originality State innovation concept of your project here. It has to be a new concept or a variation from existing tool or process which is unique for E&P industry. It can be developed independently or in cooperation or with others. Practicality Declare how your project is practical in terms of: Business Potential (Stage of project : Idea/Plan - staring from idea to prototype completion, Development - staring from pilot to commercialization) Rules, Regulations, SSHE (Personnel & Process Safety) PTTEP Potential Benefit Declare benefits (both financial & non-financial) to PTTEP here. For yearly financial benefit, make sure to declare it in USD (FX Rate of 1 USD = 33THB). Also benefit/cost and non financial (if available) IP Provide information on Petty Patent and/or Patent registration incl. stage of application here. Publication* Clarify 1) internal and/or external conferences/ journals where your paper has been submitted/Published. 2) stage of submission (submitted to Published). Remark : *Publication use only submission type “DEVELOPMENT”

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