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Workshop E Working in the community on climate action

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1 Workshop E Working in the community on climate action
Michelle Hayes and Jemima Parker

2 Average UK household carbon emissions 15 tonnes CO2e


4 Leeds roadmap to a Zero Carbon City

5 Where are your local greenhouse gas emissions issues?

6 Our Story

7 Our Story Providing a vision of what’s possible
Postcards from the future

8 What are we doing? Engagement and Communication

9 What are we doing? Carbon Capture

10 What are we doing? Transport

11 Zero Carbon Harrogate Community

12 Community Climate Action Groups
Zero Carbon Yorkshire Leeds Climate Commission Zero Carbon Headingly Kirkstall Valley Development Trust Climate Action Ilkley Otley 2030 Addingham Civic Society Environment Group Menston Love Sustainable Knaresborough Holmfirth Transition Town

13 Resurrected Bites Cafe
ZCH Food group aims to address food waste and raise awareness about the carbon footprint involved with food production and waste. The UN reported that if global food waste was a country it would be the third largest green house gas emitter after the US and China. Resurrected Bites Café & Shop started Jan Intercepts food from supermarkets, shops and cafes- >9000 kg in first year. By intercepting food waste, the café has saved around 17,100 kg of CO2 which is the amount of CO2 an average household produces from their electricity usage in 4 years. It is likely to be >13,000 kg this year from St Mark’s alone and we are looking to expand the number of cafes across our district. Part of Harrogate Waste Not Want Not- charities that feed people have a rota of food pick ups from various food outlets and move food amongst ourselves to prevent waste.

14 Bradford Cathedral Woodland Creation

15 Repair donated bikes and sell them on for charity or donate to people on a low income Volunteer led Promote cycling by selling them cheaply - Bike donations (any size, type, condition):  There is very little that we can’t bring back to life as a viable bike for another user, avoiding landfill or just recycling the metal.  Re-use is the highest form of recycling! - Repair process: As we use volunteer labour we don’t count the cost of time and so aim to repair as much as feasibly possible without scrapping and replacing parts just because it is easy. - Promoting cycling:  We price our bikes to be cheap so they are affordable transport even for people on low incomes.  We give impartial advice to customers on what will best suit their needs and pocket - we have no profit targets to hit.  We aim to make the bikes as attractive as we can by cleaning and polishing them thoroughly on the basis that people are more likely to use a bike they feel good about. We give a 1 month warranty for faults and adjustments to give people confidence in the bikes.  It is also a low risk way for people to try out cycling without a large cash outlay - Funds raised:  With virtually no overheads, the vast majority of the funds raised can be donated on to several other charities we have close links with.

16 Zero Carbon Building: Baildon Methodists

17 Harrogate Clothes Bank
The clothing industry is the 2nd largest polluter globally after oil >5000 gallons of water to manufacture a T-shirt and a pair of jeans. Many pollutants used which are in the water where the clothes are produced and also released when we wash them. The Harrogate Clothes Bank offers free clothes, shoes & bedding to anyone on a low income Clothes swap

18 MP Engagement: St John’s, Menston

19 Solutions, Community and Church Engagement?

20 Your mission action plan

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