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Political & Intellectual Responses to IR

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Presentation on theme: "Political & Intellectual Responses to IR"— Presentation transcript:

1 Political & Intellectual Responses to IR

2 1. Political Responses Why were the economic and political elite worried about the social order? 1. 2.

3 What was the response of the propertied elite? (Two major views)
Police forces a) b) c) Prisons a) “transportation”

4 What were prisons like before 19th c. reform movements?
Why was reform slow? What is rehabilitation? Devil’s Island

5 II. Intellectual Responses
Negative aspects of Industrialization a) b) c) d) e) Classical Economics’ appeal with Middle Class?

6 General Principles of Classical Economics
b) c)

7 Classical Economists a) Adam Smith b) Thomas Malthus 1) 2) 3) 4) c) David Ricardo 1) Iron Law of Wages: The arguments of Malthus & Ricardo supported

8 Gov. policies influenced by Classical Economics
a) Germany 1) 2) b) England 2) New Poor Laws 3) Repealed Corn Laws of Why?

9 III. Change: Socialism, Anarchism & Marxism
Utopian Socialism (radical) a) b) c)

10 Utopian Socialists a) Henri de Saint-Simon (French aristocrat) 1) 2) b) Owen (British cotton manufacturer) 2) enlightened management c) Fourier 3)

11 Louis Blanc and modern socialism
a) paid more attention to the “politics” of the situation b) c) d) Anarchism a)

12 Marxism – why was it the most extreme of the intellectual response to industrialization?
b) Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels (Communist Manifesto) "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.”

13 Communism a) b) c) d) e) 1) 2) 3)

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