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YTD Results and Full Year Forecast

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1 YTD Results and Full Year Forecast

2 Executive Summary The January 18 forecast takes into account the actual performance of the business over the past nine months. This forecast suggests that we will deliver operating profit in line with our budgeted position by the end of the financial year (before the exceptional costs of the Optional Leavers Scheme (“OLS”). This is an improvement on the previous October 17 forecast by c£700k. However, once the exceptional costs of OLS are included then the P&L shows a loss of £3.7m. This is purely an ‘accounting’ loss since the OLS is fully funded. It should be noted that we have produced a revised view of charges in light of the new forecast. Slide 2

3 YTD results and latest full year forecast
January forecast operating profit of £2.8m is in line with budget After OLS costs have been accounted for the loss for the year is £3.7m Slide 3

4 January forecast back in line with budget
Slide 4

5 Full Year – Charges and Totex
DECEMBER 2017 Full Year 2017/18 £k Jan FC Oct FC July FC Budget Var Oct FC Var Bud CHARGES OPEX related 61,643 62,085 66,986 66,068 (442) (4,425) CAPEX related 6,538 7,034 5,204 6,775 (496) (237) Total CHARGES 68,181 69,119 72,190 72,843 (938) (4,662) TOTEX (Total Expenditure) OPEX (58,828) (60,005) (67,147) (63,493) 1,177 4,665 CAPEX (6,291) (6,549) (5,004) (6,539) 258 248 Total Expenditure (65,119) (66,554) (72,151) (70,032) 1,435 4,913 CHARGES less TOTEX 3,063 2,566 39 2,811 497 252 Broken down by Operating Profit 2,816 2,080 (161) 2,575 735 241 Capex Margin 247 485 200 236 (238) 11 Slide 5

6 Rebates and deferred charges based on January forecast
Budgeted Charges Shippers Transmission DN iGT Subtotal Other Deferred Total General 10,770 8,080 13,891 291 33,032 - Infrastructure 5,505 2,362 7,297 127 15,291 1,061 16,352 Change 530 3,753 1,584 5,867 UK Link 1,488 12,036 13,524 General Subtotal 16,805 15,683 34,808 418 67,714 68,775 Specific Services 3,768 100 3,868 200 All Charges 20,574 34,908 71,582 1,261 72,843 January Forecast Adjustments (Negative = Charges rebate) (395) (63) (519) (11) (988) 1,171 (821) 897 1,236 (943) (2,170) (1,877) (206) (2,211) (1,392) 8 (3,801) 194 1,569 1,763 571 (2,902) 555 (14) (1,790) (4,902) 240 (2,662) (1,550) (4,662) January Forecast Charges 10,375 8,017 13,372 280 32,044 6,676 1,541 8,194 116 16,527 118 14,475 324 1,542 192 2,066 1,682 13,605 15,287 17,376 12,781 35,363 404 65,924 63,873 440 21,144 13,021 35,463 70,033 318 68,181 Slide 6

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