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7 Habits Student Planner Training for Elementary Parents

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1 7 Habits Student Planner Training for Elementary Parents
The habits we form as children are the ones that last throughout our lives. This year, help your child develop the habits of using a planner. Why bother? Research shows that children who regularly use planners tend to develop skills such as planning, organization, time management, and goal setting. These skills have proven track records for helping students succeed. The planner your child will use this year was specifically designed to encourage the development of essential 21st century skills in elementary students. Planners, Materials, and Presentation Provided by District Title I Parent Involvement Funds JJ Finley Elementary School September 8, 2016

2 Welcome Parents! Training Objectives:
To provide an overview of the 7 Habits Student Planners On TRAC Family Guide On TRAC Planning Learning at Home: The 7 Habits Monthly Themes The 7 Habits Reflection Resource Pages Study Skills & Test Preparation To help parents understand how their child will be using the planner on a daily basis To help parents understand how they can use this planner as a communication tool between home and school. To share information about how parents can support their child’s learning.

3 On TRAC Family Guide Help your child be successful by GETTING INVOLVED in his/her learning. Planner Features This planner helps your child: Keep track of his/her schoolwork and activities Effectively manage his/her time Set goals and work toward them Develop strong character traits and academic skills This planner helps you: Support and share your child’s success at school Stay informed about your child’s learning Communicate with your child’s teacher(s) Put into practice life and learning skills with your child Planning is central to everything we do, but we also understand learning is fluid. True knowledge occurs when students deeply understand what they have learned and how it relates with the world beyond the classroom. Today's learner must be engaged actively and independently in the learning process, with students taught to assume a gradual increase of responsibility. We want you, as parents, to know what we are doing to help your child develop the planning and organizational skills needed to equip them for a change-dominated, technology-driven, and globally interconnected world. This training, and the consistent Home-School communication use, that is built into the student planners will help all of us work as a team toward student success. Monthly Calendar Pages OnTrac 4 Step Process Family Connection Monthly Theme In Focus Page Learning at Home Pages (located at the beginning of the planner) Weekly Calendar Pages OnTRAC 4 Step Process SWAT Organizational Tip Family/Teacher Comments Words of the Week Best Book 7 Habits Book of the Week Weekly Activity Family Connection

4 On TRAC Planning OnTRAC planning uses a 4 step process to help student stay organized, both at school and in their extracurricular activities. Step 1: THINK – In this space student record what’s on their mind for the week such as goals, plans, ideas. That way the ideas are within sight and not forgotten. Step 2: RECORD – This is where student write down assignments, tests, projects, deadlines, and scheduled events. Step 3: ACT – This is where students make note of any special materials need for assignments or projects. It is also a place to note their extracurricular activities. Step 4: CHECK – The check section is a place where students review what was planned to see if they actually did it. It’s great to acknowledge all that has been accomplished and track activities that are still underway.

5 Learning at Home: The 7 Habits
Pages 6 – 9 and page 128. These pages contain activities that students can do at home with their families and cover the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens. Private Victory: Make good choices and set goals Be Proactive – Be in charge of your life Begin with the End in Mind – Start with a plan Put First Things First – Do important things first Public Victory: Building strong friendships Think Win-Win – Find ways everyone can win Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood – Listen first, and then talk Synergize – Work together to do more Renewal: Make time to rest and have fun Sharpen the Saw – Take care of yourself Each new theme is introduced at the start of the month and then reinforced throughout the weekly pages. Character development concepts set the tone for students to imagine a confident lifestyle for themselves.

6 Monthly Themes August – Paradigms & Principles
September – Private Victory October – Be Proactive November – Begin with the End in Mind December – Goals January – Put First Things First February – Public Victory March – Think Win-Win April – Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood May – Synergize June – Sharpen the Saw Each month presents a new theme related to The 7 Habits®, building and reinforcing the concepts each month. At the primary level, the goal of the planner is to introduce students to The 7 Habits, helping them build awareness and a vocabulary that will lead them to being able to apply the concepts to themselves and their own lives. AUGUST: PARADIGMS & PRINCIPLES – Understanding what are fundamental truths and what are our own perceptions. SEPTEMBER: PRIVATE VICTORY – Self-mastery, which teaches habits of setting priorities, achieving goals, and managing time to increase one's potential. OCTOBER: BE PROACTIVE – To think before one acts and take responsibility for the choice made. NOVEMBER: BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND – Start with an end goal to be most effective. DECEMBER: GOALS – Setting and achieving goals JANUARY: PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST – Choose to do the most important things first. Work first, then play. FEBRUARY: PUBLIC VICTORY – Realizing dependence and interdependence. MARCH: THINK WIN-WIN – Have an everyone-can-win attitude. APRIL: SEEK FIRST TO UNDERSTAND, THEN TO BE UNDERSTOOD – Listen sincerely, communicate effectively. MAY: SYNERGIZE – Two or more people producing more together than they could have done separately; based on valuing differences. JUNE: SHARPEN THE SAW – A daily process of strengthening or renewing four aspects of oneself: physical, mental, spiritual, and social/emotional.

7 The 7 Habits Reflection (page 128)
This reflection tool can be used at the beginning of the year to gauge your student’s understanding and comfort level regarding each of the 7 Habits. At the end of the school year, students can revisit this page and mark the changes to their understanding and comfort level with the 7 Habits. Why is this Reflection section important? Socially and emotionally empowered students improve their future through positive change and personal choice Ingrains positive interpersonal relationships. Teaches students habits to set priorities to reach their Private Victory®—to set priorities to achieve goals, manage their time, and increase their personal potential through planning. Influences behavioral change by involving family members to create a positive school culture empowered by shared understanding of the principles.

8 Resource Pages Success Tips – Developing good study habits
Projects and Assignments – Outline for planning long-term projects or assignments (ie. Science Fair Projects) Internet Etiquette and Safety – Guideline and tips for using the Internet responsibly as well as information regarding Cyberbullying Language Arts – Rules for the 8 parts of speech, punctuation, and common spelling rules Math – Definitions and tips regarding a variety of Math concepts Health – Tips for taking care of Physical, Social, and Emotional Health Science - Definitions and tips regarding a variety of Science concepts Social Studies – Information regarding the structure of the US and Canadian governments World Map North American Map

9 Study Skills and Test Preparation
These are additional activity pages that can be used to help reinforce good study habits and test preparation. The section is divided into 4 sections. Be Your Best! Assess Yourself Set Goals to Achieve Plan Ahead Track Your Progress Study, Test Prep, and Homework Start with a Great Study Space Study Habits that Help Read to Remember Memory Boosters Get Ready for the Test! Test-Taking Tackling Different Types of Tests Multiple Choice Tests Research, Projects, and Writing Know Your Resources Research Tips Big Projects Write Right

10 Get Involved! .............Stay Involved!!
Research indicates a strong tie between a student’s academic success and the level of his or her family’s involvement. Use this planner as a tool to stay informed and involved with your child’s school. Join the Thursday Moms group Come to Parent workshops Provide sign-up sheets for parents who are interested in helping to plan parties or special projects for your class. Each school will need to edit the RED text specifically for their own school.

11 Closing and Evaluations
We would like to thank everyone for attending this Parent Involvement Training provided by Title I. Please complete your evaluation form and turn it in before leaving. Your evaluations will be used to help us plan future Parent Involvement Trainings.

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