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Manifest Destiny Chapter 7

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1 Manifest Destiny Chapter 7
(Sections 1 & 2) * Test has more information than just what is on the Review Question sheet this time. Use both sheets.

2 The Western Pioneers In the 1840’s Americans made the harsh trip into the west into the frontier states of the Midwest and on into farm rich lands of the Oregon Country. By the 1820’s more than 2.4 million people lived west of the Appalachian Mts. By the time of the Civil War more people will live west of the Appalachian Mts. Than on the east coast. Many believed in the idea of Manifest Destiny- God had given the entire continent to the American s and wanted them to settle the western lands.

3 The Western Pioneers The earliest settlers were referred to as squatters because they settled on land in the west that they did not own. New technology in plows and farming made cultivating their new land for farming easier. The Oregon Country (Oregon, Washington and British Columbia) was first visited by the missionaries going there to convert the Indians. They let others know of the rich land and many followed making their way to the Pacific Coast.

4 The Western Pioneers The terrain from the edge of the frontier to the Pacific was very difficult. Thanks to the mountain men from around the Appalachian Mountains trails were cut that became the major routes for traveling west. They left the area of the mountains and cut trails from the Mississippi River west. Chief among these was the Oregon Trail. A typical trip took 6 months. Those who travelled west in search of land they could own were known as overlanders.

5 The Western Pioneers The Mormon Migration was very different from most other pioneers going west. They were in search of religious freedom. The Mormon leader, Joseph Smith, was murdered in the east so their new leader, Brigham Young took them west to escape persecution. They forged what became known as the Mormon Trail and settled at the dry land around the Great Salt Lake. Modern day Utah.

6 The Western Pioneers After Mexico won its independence from Spain they largely neglected their northern territories which included modern day California , Texas and New Mexico. American settlers started moving into these areas. An American, William Becknell opened a trade route between Santa Fe, New Mexico and Independence, Missouri (the Santa Fe Trail) and as trade increased a small American population grew in Santa Fe. Just before the Mexican Independence, Spain began letting foreigners settle in Texas which they owned. This would lead to further issues once Mexico gained its independence and claimed the land.

7 The Western Pioneers Texas was seen as a Mexican border state but with the influx of Americans to the area rebellion would soon take place for the independence of Texas. (How it happened) Unable to get its own citizens to move into the Texas territory, the Spanish government passed the National Colonization Act in which the government gave 26 empresarios (Mexican contractors) large grants of Texas land with their promise to fill it with settlers. Many of these settlers were Americans. They accepted Mexican citizenship but were mistrusted by the Mexicans because they had a different culture. Mexico closed its border to anymore immigration of Americans.

8 The Western Pioneers Texans did not like the control the Mexicans were trying to exert over them from a country they did not consider their own. After trying to negotiate unsuccessfully for its own state government, Texas organized its own an army. After small victories they claimed their independence and drafted a constitution much like the American constitution. The Mexican government would counter with a defeat of the Texans at the ALAMO and several other sites. The Texans would defeat the Armies of Governor Santa Anna at San Jacinto and capture the Mexican governor himself. After the Battle Sam Houston who led the Texans was named as the Texas President and they voted OVERWHELMINGLY to be annexed into the United States.

9 The Western Pioneers Texas will not be annexed into the union until 8 years later. Mexico still regarded it as theirs and because it was a slave state Congress argued over its admittance James Polk who was running for President promised to annex both Texas (slave) and Oregon (free) and then buy California from Mexico if elected. Once it was admitted arguments broke out between the U.S. and Mexico

10 The Western Pioneers Mexico argued over the border of Texas with America claiming the border between Texas and Mexico was the Rio Grande River. Mexico claimed the border was 150 miles further into Texas. President Polk sends John Slidell into Mexico as a special envoy (Representative) to offer to buy the disputed territory. The Mexican President refuses to even see him. The two sides go to war and Polk strategy for winning the war requires a larger army and almost 73,000 enlist to fight the Mexicans.

11 The Western Pioneers The Mexican forces are defeated in New Mexico and Santa Fe is taken. The Mexicans are also driven out of California by an independent force that renames the area the Bear Flag Republic The U. S. forces send in the Navy into California a few weeks later and claim it as a U.S. possession and end the Bear Flag Republic.

12 The Western Pioneers The Mexicans would not surrender so Polk sent in Winfield Scott as the head of the troops replacing Zachary Taylor (who he saw as a political rival in the next election) These forces captured the Mexican capital and they surrendered, ending the war. The war ends with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Mexico cedes 500,000 acres of land and accepts the Rio Grande river as the border. The United States pays Mexico $15 million dollars for the land.

13 The Western Pioneers The Wilmot Proviso will be added next chapter and not on this test. Study both your Review Question sheet and your Study guide sheet. Parts of both will be on the test. Pay attention to what is underlined too. Review this chapter after finishing study guide if time allows

14 Give me 10 facts on the video to be turned in once video is over.
Mexican-American War

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