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Book report PowerPoint or Video.

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Presentation on theme: "Book report PowerPoint or Video."— Presentation transcript:

1 Book report PowerPoint or Video

2 Introduction Title of the book Your name Class Date

3 Title Book Title Author The date book was published
Other books by the Author

4 Setting and Mood Time (when?) Place (where?) Mood (formal, informal,
solemn, playful, serious, ironic, happy, and etc.) Emotions the book makes you feel

5 Characters Main character Supporting character(s)
Appearance and Personality The importance of this character to the story Supporting character(s) helps the plot of a story and enhance the plot Explain in details.

6 Theme What is the story trying to tell you?
What do you want us to know and understand the theme of the book?

7 Plot Summary Summarize the book Use words in your summary
to convince us to read it too.

8 Quotes Insert some important quotes from the book that are important to you.

9 Reference What is the name of the book?
Tell us more about the author and if there are other books by this author. Examples of book report on PPT

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