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PBIS. What is it? Jayme Tracy, SRT Coach.

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Presentation on theme: "PBIS. What is it? Jayme Tracy, SRT Coach."— Presentation transcript:

1 PBIS. What is it? Jayme Tracy, SRT Coach

2 Barriers That We Face Today
Class size Advancing Technology Poverty and Equity Family Factors Bullying Student Attitudes and Behaviors Parental Involvement Student Health Common Core & Assessments Funding

3 National Goals Improve literacy and math competencies
Make schools safe, caring, and focused on learning Improve student character and citizenship Eliminate bullying Prevent drug use Prepare for postsecondary education Provide a free and appropriate education for work

4 Two Options Get tough (practice) Train-and-hope (system)

5 Get Tough Method Clamp down and increase monitoring
Re-re-re-review rules Extend continuum and consistency of consequences Establish a “bottom line” …… PREDICTABLE INDIVIDUAL RESPONSES

6 Get Tough Doesn’t Work….
“If a child doesn’t know to read, WE TEACH.” “If a child doesn’t know how to swim, WE TEACH.” “If a child doesn’t know how to multiply, WE TEACH” “If a child doesn’t know how to drive, WE TEACH” “If a child doesn’t know how to behave, WE _________”

7 Train and Hope Method REACT to problem behavior WAIT for a new problem
Select and ADD practice Seek EXPERT research and train Expect, but HOPE for implementation WAIT for a new problem

8 What is it? Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based, proactive systems approach to establishing school wide interventions and supports needed for all students to achieve: social, emotional and academic success, reduce discipline as a barrier to academic attainment, and create a safe learning environment for all students.

9 Focus of PBIS PBIS emphasizes four integrated elements:
(a) data for decision making, (b) measurable outcomes supported and evaluated by data, (c) practices with evidence that these outcomes are achievable, (d) systems that efficiently and effectively support implementation of these practices.

10 Framework of PBIS

11 Why JCPS? Corrective Action Plan: Need 4 – Goal 4. Strategy #9 (Monitor targeted efforts to decrease suspension rates for identified groups (i.e. ECE, free/reduced-price lunch, minority, male) of students at all school levels and assist schools in developing a list of comprehensive, research-based, positive supports and a hierarchy of consequences with specific strategies to provide alternatives to suspension.

12 How does PBIS impact JCPS?
The work of PBIS targets the key indicators as outlined in our district strategic plan, including: (1) increase in student attendance rates, (2) decrease in student suspension rates, and (3) increase in the number of students served in interventions. 5 cohorts (77 schools) are being trained.

13 Why Moore? Cohort 1 schools were recommended by district leaders based on data analysis of their behavior data.  Data analysis indicated that Moore had a high suspension and high disproportionality rate.

14 How Long Does It Take? Research says it takes three to five years to fully implement PBIS with fidelity. The number one factor in the implementation cycle is administrator buy-in.

15 Who Is On Our PBIS Team? Jayme Tracy (SRT Coach)
Darren Atkinson (MS Administrator) Scott Mitchell (MS Counselor) Michael Shoulders (HS Counselor) Jamie Issis (FRYSC) Cynthia Robinson (HS representative) Shannon Balentine (HS representative) Michelle Lowe (ECE representative) Melody Ward (MS representative) Josh Konczal (MS representative) Kelsey Hayes (MS representative) Trevor Timmerberg (MS representative)

16 What Do We Do? Attend monthly trainings with national trainer Susan Isaacs. Meet monthly to analyze attendance and behavior data. Provide administration with suggestions to reduce suspensions and increase attendance rates. Monitor and analyze common area procedures. Provide classroom management support for teachers. Monitor school-wide incentive programs (Caught Being Good & Perfect Attendance). Lead embedded professional developments, after-school professional developments, and faculty meetings. Advocate for teachers’ classroom management needs. Assist in creating behavior plans for students. Be a critical friend. Provide resources (see attached menu) and at

17 PBIS Sessions Topic: PBIS Lead Instructor: Location:
Break: 11:20 – 11:25 Session 2: 11:25 – 11:55 Lunch: 11:55 – 12:55 Session 3: 12:55 – 1:25 PBIS Sessions Topic: PBIS Lead Instructor: Location: Rules and Expectations Melody Ward Room 222 Physical Space  Josh Konczal Room 229 Acknowledgement / Building Relationships Michelle Lowe Room 140 Procedures and Routines Kelsey Hayes Room 137 De-escalating Strategies Shannon Balentine Room 113 Opportunities to Respond  Scott Mitchell Front of Library How to Get to Know Your Students Darren Atkinson Back of Library

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