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World War I Ch. 12 Military conflict that occurred between 1914-1918 and involved most world powers that made up 2 major alliances.

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Presentation on theme: "World War I Ch. 12 Military conflict that occurred between 1914-1918 and involved most world powers that made up 2 major alliances."— Presentation transcript:

1 World War I Ch. 12 Military conflict that occurred between and involved most world powers that made up 2 major alliances

2 Europe Before WWI

3 4 Long Term Causes for WWI
1. Nationalism - Devotion to the interests and culture of one’s_ 2. Imperialism - Empire building by a _ 3. Militarism - The development of military forces for_ 4. Formation of alliances Triple Entente – later on the Triple Alliance – later on the Nations Nation Diplomacy Allies Central Powers

4 Map of the Balkans (where it starts)

5 the world goes to war! The Black Hand Austria-Hungary blames
Serbian terrorist Gavrilo Princip assassinates Archduke Franz heir to Austrian Austria-Hungary blames Asks for Germany’s July 28th 1914 they declare war on Serbia is backed by Organization Ferdinand Throne Serbia Backing Russia

6 Conscription Military Triple Isolationism by Russia 1.3 million
France 900k Great Britain 300k Germany 900k Italy 300k Austro-Hungary 300k Isolationism by Foreign policy that combines military policy of non- economic USA does not enter Draft Entente Circle Russia Alliance Circle germany USA Interventionism Protectionism war


8 Trench Warfare & War of Attrition
Makes battles/wars longer Because of new weapons and technology both sides begin to use trenches


10 Great Britain Blockades Germany
Germany uses submarine warfare to May 7, 1915 Germans sink the civilian Americans were on board 1,198 people President wanted a league of peace – later on the Germans refused compromise & continued unrestricted Zimmerman Note is intercepted by Germans ask Mexico to attack USA enters war April 2, fight back Lusitania Ship Died Wilson League of Nations submarine warfare British USA 1917

11 USA tips the balance! 3 million men are called up to go to
1 out of every 4 were For either side ,there was never one decisive Austria-Hungary surrenders in In Germany, socialist leaders brought down the Germany surrender on the 11th day of the 11th month on the 11th hour of WWI ends largely due to USA Europe foreign born Victory 1918 Kaiser involvement

12 The Attack on Liberty During War
War Industries Board- WIB Gov’t controls American_ What to make, where products go, and how _ No longer Free Enterprise. American Biz cooperated to show their_ Committee on Public Information- CPI Propaganda posters & _ Test items from class work 12. 1 A& C 12.2 C & D 12.3 P 388 You decide 12.3/12.4 WS- vocab

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