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Welcome, Students and Parents!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome, Students and Parents!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome, Students and Parents!
Mrs. Roelofs Ms. Gladis

2 Classroom Schedule Timing Activity 9:00am Breakfast and Book Checkout
Morning Meeting 9:30am Math 10:20am Reading 11:15am Lunch/Recess 12:00pm Math Stations 12:30pm Daily 3 1:15pm Science/Social Studies/ Health 1:50pm Specials-Media, Music, PE, Art 2:20pm Break 2:40pm Writing 3:00pm Read Aloud Classroom Schedule This is what a typical day in our classroom looks like.

3 Get to Know Me My experience My background
This is my 32nd year teaching. I have also taught adults, high school, middle school, special education, and college courses at Augsburg, RCTC, and Winona State. I grew up in Rochester. I attended Bamber Valley Elementary, Kellogg Middle School, and Mayo High School. I also went to Winona State University, University of Minnesota, and Saint Mary’s University.

4 Ms. Gladis My Experience My Background
Student teacher from Winona State University Rochester. Other teaching experiences at Riverside, Churchill, and Lincoln K-8 Graduation May 2017 Graduated from Chatfield High School. My mom is a nurse at Mayo Clinic and my dad is a teacher in Lanesboro, I have 2 brothers and 1 sister. 2 nephews and 1 niece and soon to be another niece/nephew I have one daughter, Bricelyn, a kindergartener at Lincoln K-8.

5 Classroom Community Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. Follow the directions of the teacher quickly. Raise your hand to speak. Raise your hand to leave your seat. Make smart choices Keep your dear teacher happy.

6 My Goals To give my students the academic and social skills they need to progress to third grade. To make my students work hard! To provide a supportive and fun classroom environment. To help my students make new friends and discover new interests. To develop good study skills. Have FUN!

7 Tardiness School starts at 9:15am
If your student is not in the classroom by the time the second bell rings at 9:15am, please make sure they stop at the office before coming to class.

8 Behavior/Tickets Tickets are given to students for being kind, following expectation in the room, and doing great work. On Friday afternoons we will have scheduled free choice time. You can earn up to 20 minutes of free time. Most of the time we will join another Second Grade class for Friday Fun. I will pick 3 tickets out of the jar and those students will get a prize.

9 Communication My My phone: OFFICE NUMBER OR DIRECT CLASSROOM NUMBER? Class web site:

10 Class Subjects Reading and Writing Math Science Social Studies
Media, Music, Art, and Physical Education

11 Reading Reading- all students to be at third grade level by the end of the year. Retell stories, name characters and sequence events. Main idea Cause/Effect Compare/Contrast Be able to read any word. New vocabulary Read at 100 WPM Read smoothly and accurately Spelling

12 Writing Daily writing journals Word study Spelling
Improve handwriting, begin learning cursive Introducing and concluding statements 3 major details

13 Math Counting and Place value Data and Probability
Measurement and Time Addition and Subtraction 2 and 3 dimensional objects Adding and subtracting numbers to 1000 Multiplication

14 Science Sound Rocks Life Cycles of plants Life Cycles of butterflies

15 Social Studies People and Places Maps and Cultures
How people live today and long ago Knowing our world.

16 Health Bus safety Fire safety Nutrition

17 Specials Music 2 times per 6 day cycle. Art 1 time per 6 day cycle.
Physical Education 2 times per 6 day cycle. Media 1 time per 6 day cycle.

18 Homework I will assign about 30 minutes of reading each night.
Occasionally Math links. How many steps is that? Their steps must be signed each night.

19 Important Dates NWEA Reading- October 4th NWEA Math- October 11th
School Picture Day- October 25th Book Fair- October 28th Fall Conferences- November 3rd and November 10th Phone conference is permitted. Quarry Hill Nature Center Field Trip- November 15th

20 Volunteers During the year volunteers are appreciated for reading with students, going on field trips, and helping with classroom projects/activities. If interested, you MUST register! Got to the districts website: Go to ‘DEPARTMENTS” Scroll down to Family and Community Engagement It will lead you to the VIE registration. You may also get a VIE registration form from the school office.

21 Questions?

22 Let’s Have a Great Year!

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