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Kirk W. Shimkin Total Synthesis Spring 2012

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1 Kirk W. Shimkin Total Synthesis Spring 2012
Total Synthesis of Prostaglandins F2α and E2 as the naturally occurring forms Corey, et al. JACS, 1970, 92, 398 Kirk W. Shimkin Total Synthesis Spring 2012

2 Elias J. Corey Born in Methuen, MA in 1928 (age 83)
Birth name is actually Matthew, mother changed it to Elias to honor his father who died shortly after his birth. B.A , MIT PhD , MIT (age 22) Made full professor at university of Illinois in 1956 (at age 27!) 1959-present: Professor of chemistry at Harvard university Focuses on synthetic organic chemistry because of “its intrinsic beauty and its great relevance to human health.” Over 1000 publications, in 2002 was recognized as “Most cited author in chemistry” by ACS Awards and Honors: National Medal of Science (1988) Nobel prize in chemistry (1990) Priestley Medal (2004)

3 Corey, Cont. Known For: Pyridinium Chlorochromate (PCC, aka the Corey-Suggs reagent) t-butyldimethylsilyl (TBDMS), triisopropylsilyl (TIPS), methoxyethoxymethyl (MEM) protecting groups Corey-Bakshi-Shibata enantioselective reduction Corey-Fuchs reaction Corey-Kim reaction Corey-Winter olefin synthesis Corey-House synthesis Corey-Johnson-Chaykovsky reaction Corey-Seebach reaction Total synthesis of ginkolide A and B, Lactacystin, Ecteinascidin 743, Salinosporamide A, prostaglandins, among many others. Development of retrosynthetic analysis Claims to have inspired the inception of the Woodward-Hoffman rules in a 1964 conversation with Robert Woodward.

4 Prostaglandins Naturally occurring hormones found in all animal cells
Lipid compounds derived from fatty acids All contain 20 carbons, 5-membered ring First isolated from seminal fluid in 1935 (Ulf von Euler), but is actually produced by various types of cells Regulate contraction and relaxation of smooth muscle tissues (one of many functions) Sune K. Bergstrom, John R. Vane, and Bengt I. Samuelsson won nobel prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1982 for their research on prostandins Prostaglandin I2

5 Prostaglandin F2α Marketed as dinoprost and enzaprost
Used to induce labor; as an abortifacient 4 contiguous stereocenters

6 Retrosynthesis/ strategy

7 Synthesis Product of first reaction is unstable, isomerizes at temperatures above 0°C Copper catalyst is necessary to speed up reaction so it can proceed below 0°C without isomerization of starting material

8 Enantioselectivity: ephedrine resolution
Proof of Conformation

9 Synthesis cont.

10 Completing the synthesis

11 Conclusion First stereospecific synthesis of Prostaglandin F2α and E2 completed Bicycloheptane strategy used to set relative stereochemistry at 3 stereogenic centers Ephedrine resolution provides enantiopure intermediate for enantiospecific synthesis Main precursor can be made in roughly 50% yield from enantiopure cyclopentene intermediate.

12 Questions?

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