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The Son of God, Our Christ

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1 The Son of God, Our Christ
A Collection of Lutheran Music ‘Christian Worship’ Edition Hymn #525 The Son of God, Our Christ Text: Edward M. Blumenfeld, b. 1927 SURSUM CORDA Tune: Alfred M. Smith, PowerPoint Production © 2009 Donald L. Vossler

2 #525 - The Son of God, Our Christ
[1] The *** ** ***, *** ******, *** ****, *** Way, Shared ***** **** *** ****** ********** *** day; From ****** **** ** ****** *** ******* ** be Coworkers ** *** ****** ministry.

3 #525 - The Son of God, Our Christ
[2] In **'** ****, ** ****** manifold, These ******** *********, ** ***** ***** **** bold; And **** *** ***** *** ******* ***** **** brought, The ****** *** ******* *** ***'* ******* taught.

4 #525 - The Son of God, Our Christ
[3] Today, ** ****, ****** ******* ** ** dare To ****** ****** *** *** **** ** share, Declaring ** *** ***** *** **** name And ******* ***** ** *** **** *** lame.

5 #525 - The Son of God, Our Christ
[4] In **** ******, ** ****, ** ** *** soil, May **** ***** ****** ** ******** ***** toil, And ** **** ******* *** ****** **** *** deed, Obey ******'* **** *** ** ***** ** ***** lead.

6 #525 - The Son of God, Our Christ
[5] Where'er ** **** *** ******* ****** ** made, Whate'er *** ****, *** **** **** ** *** aid, And ** **** ****** **** *** *** *** best And **** **** **** ******** **** *** blessed.

7 A Collection of Lutheran Music
Text: © Renewed 1984 The Hymn Society Tune: © 1990 Church of the Ascension, Atlantic City, NJ PowerPoint Production © 2009 Donald L. Vossler

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