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Colocalization of NF-κB and Bax in retinal pericytes of a diabetic donor. Colocalization of NF-κB and Bax in retinal pericytes of a diabetic donor. A trypsin.

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1 Colocalization of NF-κB and Bax in retinal pericytes of a diabetic donor.
Colocalization of NF-κB and Bax in retinal pericytes of a diabetic donor. A trypsin digest prepared from the retina of a 67-year-old donor with a 5-year history of diabetes and retinal microangiopathy (as indicated by the presence of several microaneurysms) was tested for NF-κB (left) and Bax (right). A and B: The FITC-conjugated secondary antibodies detect localization of NF-κB to the round, protruding nuclei of some pericytes, and the Cy3-conjugated antibodies show in the same pericytes intense Bax staining. C: Negative controls for NF-κB and Bax, obtained using isotype-matched IgG or nonimmune rabbit serum, respectively, on a companion digest from the same donor. Bar, 30 μm. Giulio Romeo et al. Diabetes 2002;51: ©2002 by American Diabetes Association

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