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Project Name name.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Name name."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Name name

2 What's the inspiration?

3 What's the inspiration? 1、I want to walk on the water
2、Walking on the water is cool 3、blabla 4、blabla

4 What are the features?

5 What are the features? 1、When you walk on the water, it will be a 3*3 glass under your feet 2、When you walk around on the water, the glass will follow you 3、blabla 4、blabla

6 Demo of the project

7 Demo of the project

8 Code breakdown

9 Code breakdown for blockType in blockTypes:
if blockType == WATER_FLOWING or blockType == WATER_STILL: # remove the bridge which player is not on mc.setBlocks(x-2, y-1, z-2, x+2, y-1, z+2, WATER_FLOWING) # build bridge around player mc.setBlocks(x-1, y-1, z-1, x+1, y-1, z+1, COMMAND_BLOCK) pos = mc.entity.getTilePos(myId) x = pos.x y = pos.y z = pos.z blockTypes = mc.getBlocks(x-1, y-1, z-1, x+1, y-1, z+1)

10 Thoughts & Improvements

11 Thoughts & Improvements
Difficulties: Imporvements: What you learn during the project:


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