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Precipitation = Evaporation

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Presentation on theme: "Precipitation = Evaporation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Precipitation = Evaporation
Running Water & Ground Water Water Cycle - movement of water between oceans, air, & land. HOW? 1) Evaporation from oceans 2) Condensation into clouds & precipitation 3) Infiltration into rocks & soil 4) Transpiration from plants, Evaporation from oceans, lakes, etc. * Water Cycle is balanced: Precipitation = Evaporation


3 Stream Flow - streams erode & transport materials
- How much depends on velocity (speed). What Affects Stream Velocity? 1) Gradient (slope) - steeper = faster 2) Channel Characteristics - shape, size, roughness - creates friction 3) Discharge - amount of water flowing - affected by rainfall

4 Parts of a Stream 1) Headwater- beginning of a stream 2) Mouth- end of a stream 3) Base Level- lowest point of a stream 4) Meander- winding of streams

5 Changes Along Streams 1) Gradient decreases towards the mouth 2) Discharge increases towards mouth

6 How Do Streams Erode Land?
- by abrasion, grinding, & dissolving material

7 How Do Streams Transport Materials?
1) Dissolved Load- dissolved in water 2) Suspended Load- floating sediment (largest) 3) Bed Load- large objects at the bottom

8 Other Stream Terms: a) Capacity- maximum load a stream can carry
b) Competence- largest particles a stream can carry c) Deposition- settling of particles as a stream slows - forms Deltas- new land areas at the stream mouth

9 Floods & Flood Control Caused by: 1) Rapid snow melt 2) Heavy rain
Controlled by: 1) Artificial Levees - man-made mounds of dirt built along a stream

10 2) Flood Control Dam - holds back floodwater to release it slowly. 3) Limiting Development - not allowing construction in floodplains

11 Water Underground - held in the: zone of saturation
- area underground filled with water - the top of the zone is the water table - water located here is call ground water unsaturated zone

12 Infiltration into Soil
Permeable Porous

13 What happens when ground water comes up?
1) Spring- ground water that seeps up to the surface.

14 2) Hot Spring - heated groundwater that seeps up

15 3) Geyser - water heated to steam that bursts up

16 4) Well - groundwater pumped up by man 5) Artesian Well - ground water forced up by underground pressure.

17 What happens if too much ground water is pumped out?
ANSWER: Sinkhole - large hole caused by lose of ground water from underneath.

18 2 1 3 4 6 5 7

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