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The Inter-Tropical Convergence Zones

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Presentation on theme: "The Inter-Tropical Convergence Zones"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Inter-Tropical Convergence Zones
Aims: to investigate the role of the ITCZ on Tropical Monsoon Climate

2 At the equator the sun is always high in the sky resulting in the ground heating rapidly. This causes an area of low pressure in equatorial latitudes which is called the inter-tropical convergence zone or ITCZ.

3 The ITCZ Inter-tropical convergence zone
As a result of heating part of the Earth’s surface, caused by the concentration of insolation from an overhead sun at the low latitudes. This leads to heating of the air at the surface, causing it to rise and expand. This, in turn, draws in cooler air that flows across the surface of the Hadley cell to replace the rising air. Air streams are drawn in from both the north and south of the equator.

4 The ITCZ A major influence on all tropical climates is the position of the ITCZ and the role of associated subtropical anticyclones. The ITCZ occurs along a line where the NE trade winds in the N. hemisphere meet the SE trade winds in the S. hemisphere (blowing from subtropical high pressure). Intense heating in low latitudes causes this air to rise giving heavy convection rainfall.



7 The ITCZ The ITCZ marks an area of intense low pressure. It is associated with an area of precipitation that moves north and south of the equator throughout the year. The ITCZ follows the movement of the sun. It moves further north than might be expected during the summer months, in particular over Asia. During these months (May-August) it heats the land surface of the sub-continent.


9 World pressure systems in June
Mark on areas of high and low pressure and add annotation to explain their locations in June How does the pattern differ in June when compared to the rest of year?

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