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AFD Regional Grant linked to ACE Impact

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Presentation on theme: "AFD Regional Grant linked to ACE Impact"— Presentation transcript:

1 AFD Regional Grant linked to ACE Impact
PartNER for Impact: Additional program of 6M€ (Grant) in support of STEM, Environment and Education ACEs Emerging centers College of Engineering Including Host Institutions (DLI 7) Component 1 Technical Assistance 25% Component 2 Regional Networking 75%

2 Component 1 « Technical Assistance »
Supply-driven Technical Assistance – Request of a center or CoE Technical Assistance missions tailored to the specific needs Focused on ACE Impact objectives (DLI achievements) In particular DLI 5 Relationships with the private sector/research lab design/revenue generation In particular DLI 7 Host Institution: regional strategy/ quality management for international accreditation/data management Long-term Technical Assistance Support for Action Design and Implementation On a 2 to 3 year period, 3 week-long on-site mission hrs e-support/mentoring 2 missions/CEA-CoE 1 for the ACE 1 for the host institution

3 PartNER CALENDAR February 2019: PSC Presentation
March 2019: PSC endorsment Early July 2019: AFD Board approval September (PSC workshop): detailed presentation to centers and start of the program From December 2019: expression of interest to ask for Technical Assistance

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