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Customized Impression Post

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1 Customized Impression Post
Customized Impression Post Step-by-Step

2 Impression Posts STRAUMANN 27 July 2019

3 The Bone Level Temporary Abutment is being prepared to meet the desired emergence profile.
The desired emergence profile of the gingiva will be achieved with the temporary crown. STRAUMANN 27 July 2019

4 Now that the emergence profile has been developed, you will now want to capture this same emergence profile when taking a final impression. Stock impression post is round, and can be customized to capture soft tissue emergence profile. STRAUMANN 27 July 2019

5 Connect temporary abutment and temporary crown to analog.
Embed temporary abutment, temporary crown, and analog into bite registration material (e.g., Blu-Moose®). Once material sets, remove temporary and abutment. STRAUMANN 27 July 2019

6 Notice the transfer of the shape of the temporary into the material.
Remove temporary crown. Mark the buccal position for orientation. Place impression coping on analog in bite registration material. Fill the void between bite registration material and impression post with cold cure or auto-polymerizing rapid cure temporary material. STRAUMANN 27 July 2019

7 Once acrylic cures, unscrew impression post, trim excess material, fill voids and polish.
Notice the matching emergence profile of the temporary abutment and impression post. STRAUMANN 27 July 2019

8 Screw the custom impression post into the implant. Impress as usual
Screw the custom impression post into the implant. Impress as usual. Once impression material sets, unscrew the impression post and remove impression. The master cast is now ready to be fabricated after the lab analog has been placed into the impression. The emergence profile that was developed with the temporary crown has now been replicated in the master cast. The final abutment is now ready to be fabricated. STRAUMANN 27 July 2019

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