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 (A) Normal repetitive nerve stimulation from abductor digiti minimi muscle in the hand.  (A) Normal repetitive nerve stimulation from abductor digiti.

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Presentation on theme: " (A) Normal repetitive nerve stimulation from abductor digiti minimi muscle in the hand.  (A) Normal repetitive nerve stimulation from abductor digiti."— Presentation transcript:

1  (A) Normal repetitive nerve stimulation from abductor digiti minimi muscle in the hand.
 (A) Normal repetitive nerve stimulation from abductor digiti minimi muscle in the hand. The amplitude of the CMAPs within each train does not decrement nor is there any significant increment in CMAP amplitude after exercise. (B) Repetitive nerve stimulation in myasthenia gravis from the nasalis muscle. Four stimulus trains are given—all at baseline with no exercise. A reproducible decrement of 55% is seen (train 3 is technically unsatisfactory because of movement artefact). A Mallik, and A I Weir J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2005;76:ii23-ii31 ©2005 by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

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