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Exmouth Camp DEvon 10th – 14th June 2019.

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Presentation on theme: "Exmouth Camp DEvon 10th – 14th June 2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exmouth Camp DEvon 10th – 14th June 2019

2 Drones Eye view schools-camp/

3 -10 experienced members of staff
Who is going? -84 Year 8 pupils -10 experienced members of staff

4 How are we getting there?
2 Coaches 5 hour journey (approx) (Suggest Travel sickness tablets even if never been sick)

5 What do I need? See equipment list in booklets
-Warm clothes/Waterproof -Sun cream -Swimsuit/Old trainers -Sleeping bag -Pot of salt - Day of travel you will need something comfortable wear on your feet!!

6 What Am I allowed…? Yes IPods (No charging areas) Jewellery/Food No Mobile Phones Chewing gum Cigarettes or Alcohol

7 What activities will we do?
Watersports Beach Trip Boat trip to Dawlish Circus skills Team challenge Bushcraft Walking

8 What about in the evening?
Beach Archery Tag Disco Quiz/Bingo

9 Where do we sleep? Eat? -In static tents – Canvas sides with wooden floor with a mattress -Eat in dining hall -Each group does a duty

10 On site - There are a number of rules and regulations that the pupils will be told about at the camp - No pupils will be allowed to enter any other pupils’ tent, under any circumstances - There will be areas at the site that are out of bounds

11 Safety - Risk assessments carried out
- All centres providing activities are approved and certificated - All centres have qualified staff for the activities being offered - Consent forms

12 Dawlish -Be safe - Groups of at least 3 at all times - Carry your information card (Buddy Card) - Know which group you are in - Wear a watch - Don’t talk to strangers - Be sensible

13 Poor behaviour In the event of: -Serious misbehaviour
- Behaviour which puts themselves or somebody else at risk - Failure to follow the rules - Intentional damage to property

14 Consequences - Privileges removed - Bag search
- Phone call home to parents which may well result in them needing to come and collect their child from the camp.

15 Medication - In a clear plastic bag - Clearly labelled
- Hand in to WA First aid staff ASAP.

16 Illness / sickness - Wigston Academy have fully qualified first aiders - Camp has first aid facilities and trained staff - At night Wigston Academy staff will be available

17 Spending money - Parental discretion - Suggested amount of about £20-£30 - Services (expensive) Souvenirs Shops in Dawlish Small fun fair at Dawlish Warren Tuck shop on camp Individuals responsible for own money

18 Departure - 9:30 a.m.(arrive at school 8.45 – 9.00 am) Site B Hall - Parents please drop off only – do not go into the hall - Pupils come straight to hall with bags, labelled with Name, Coach number and Group.

19 Return Arrive back at Wigston Academy at approx 6:00pm. Parents please be prompt Pupils wait for parents in foyer – DO NOT GO HOME ALONE

20 Telephone In the event of an unpredicted substantial delay to the arrival time of coaches back to school, the school will inform you using our text message system and social media

21 The total cost of £315 should be paid by Friday 24th May 2019.

22 Finally - Parents - Please make time to read the booklet carefully
- Equipment list - Completed consent and medical forms return it to me, deadline Fri 3rd May, preferably with medication (to medical). - Contact me at school with any questions or problems

23 - Special dietary requirements? - Birthdays?

24 Updates : We will update on a daily basis via the Wigston Academy face- book and twitter pages to keep you updated with our itinerary and activities.

25 Finally - Pupils - Listen carefully to instructions Be sensible
Have Fun!! Enjoy!!!

26 Questions?

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