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A Brief History of Canada Prior to 1713

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1 A Brief History of Canada Prior to 1713

2 1400’s Major European Powers
The British The French The Spanish The Portuguese All exploring new territory

3 1492 Christopher Columbus Discovers America
He was Italian, sent by the Spanish There were of course already Native people living here

4 More Europeans Come The British and French take control of North America The Spanish and Portuguese take control of South America

5 1497 First Discovery of Canada made by John Cabot
He was Italian sent by the French Found RICH fishing areas off the coast of NewFoundland

6 A French man named Jacques Cartier sailed two expeditions to Canada 1535 he sailed up the Saint Lawrence river which he named after the Saint


8 1603 Frenchman named Samuel de Champlain sailed up the St. Lawrence River and explored more territory

9 1604 Samuel de Champlain founded “Port Royal” in Acadia

10 1608 Samuel de Champlain founded “Quebec City”
Quebec coming from the Algonquin word meaning “Narrow Part of a River” Biggest city in North America!

11 1642 French founded “Montreal” Canada was now a true Colony
Called “New France”

12 1685 The population of New France was now 10,000

13 1600s French Christian Missionaries (Priest of sort) came to New France to try and convert the Natives They were called “Jesuits” They did not have much success, and their interactions often resulted in violence and death

14 1600s French Settlers traded with the Natives for fur and began to Farm the land This was known as the “Fur Trade” Traded Weapons, Medicine, Cooking Equipment

15 However…… The British were also interested in Canada
The British and French had been mortal enemies for almost 1000 years

16 Fighting The British and French were always fighting over land
The “Iroquois” were allies with the British The “Huron” were allies with the French

17 1610 A British man named “Henry Hudson” discovered Hudson Bay

18 1670 British founded the “Hudson Bay Company”
The company was given exclusive rights to trade with the Native Americans of the area around Hudson Bay

19 1701-1713 “War of the Spanish Succession”
War over who was in charge of Spain Britain fought with one half of Spain France fought with the other half

20 Result As part of the Treaty to end the war, France was forced to give Britain 3 major parts of New France (Canada) 1. Newfoundland 2. Nova Scotia 3. Hudson Bay

21 1713 North America was now split into 3 Major parts
1. New France (French) 2. Thirteen Colonies (British) Rupert’s Land (Hudson Bay Company)

22 1713

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