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Rolling Ridge Elementary

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1 Rolling Ridge Elementary
Instructional Program Update Parent Coffee February 2013

2 What are our priorities?
Provide a warm, welcoming environment Provide our students with the best possible education possible

3 How do we do that? Partner with you!
Effectively identify students who are at risk of failing or who need extra help Provide a tiered, differentiated program that provides students with leveled support based on their needs Consistently monitor student progress to determine the effectiveness of the interventions - making changes when necessary

4 Why is it important to have a partnership?
Take a minute to talk with a few folks around you about why this is important. Choose one person to share something you discussed

5 How do we identify students for help?
Assessments (Formal and informal) DRA, PALs, WPM screenings Weekly Team Meetings Monthly Data Meetings Quarterly Data Meetings

6 Tier what? ? ? Tier 1 Tier 1 is what we consider our core instruction. This is the normal daily instruction that all students receive. Our goal is to provide high-quality, scientifically based instruction, differentiated to meet our students’ needs. All students are assessed on a periodic basis to identify struggling learners who need additional support. Struggling learners are then provided Tier 2 intervention support.

7 Tier 2 In Tier 2, students not making adequate progress in the core curriculum are provided with increasingly intensive instruction matched to their needs on the basis of levels of performance and rates of progress. This instruction is normally provided within a small group setting. Students who require additional support are also provided Tier 3 support.

8 Tier 3 At this level, students receive individualized, intensive interventions that target the students' skill deficits for the remediation of existing problems and the prevention of more severe problems. Instruction is provided in a one on one setting or in a small group at a rate of 2-5 days per week. Interventions continue until the student demonstrates proficiency in the remediated skill.

9 What about the students who need to be challenged?
Guided Reading and Math - differentiated SEARCH lessons in K-3. Power up enrichment groups in 3rd-5th EDGE enrichment groups in 1st-3rd

10 Professional Development
Instructional Walk-Throughs Professional Development based on the results

11 How can you help at home? Clearly communicate that school is important
get to school on time, don’t miss unless it is absolutely necessary make sure that your child does their homework - check it if you can attend functions regularly – especially parent conferences communicate with your child’s teacher - ask questions if you don’t understand something or need help

Research shows that the more children read at home, using books on their level, the more successful they will be in school as they get older. Quiz them regularly with their math facts – in the car is a great time – tell them to turn off the iPod, DS, or playstation!!

13 What questions do you have?

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