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KOILAF-ACTRAV/ILO Workshop (A352108) Programme Orientation

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1 KOILAF-ACTRAV/ILO Workshop (A352108) Programme Orientation
Trade Union Training on Employment Relations and Decent Work (with a focus on FoA & Right to Collective Bargaining) Sept 2011, Seoul Programme Orientation

2 Decent Work in Asia ? 2006-2015: Decent Work Decade in A-P
- Economies are growing BUT Decent Work? Open unemployment low but under-employment & employment in informal economy high and growing 73% of the world’s working poor are in Asia, with 422 million workers living with their families on less than US$1.25 per day.  economies are not creating decent work

3 Challenges facing TUs Changing world of work & changing nature of employment – poses many challenges for IRs, Social Protection systems & organizing difficulties for unions TU density & CB coverage low (1-19%) - Restrictions on FoA, anti-union discrimination & denial of collective bargaining rights Unions’ lack of capacities - for engaging in informed social dialogue & collective bargaining on economic, social & environment policies and addressing the various needs of the workers And – what else?

4 Need for reforms of labour law to
take into account changing employment relationships deal effectively with issues like discrimination, promote equal opportunities, balance employment flexibility with the need for social protection of workers, information, consultation, organizing & collective bargaining rights support promotion of Decent Work for all workers

5 ILO’s Response to Globalization – Decent Work For All!
All those who work, have rights at work! Sets floor of social & labour standards that should be respected by all and apply to all; Promotes interventions in different but connected aspects of the world of work Decent Work Country Programmes (DWCPs) – main instrument for delivery of ILO work in a specific country - links priorities of the constituents & the ILO - to be formulated through a tripartite participatory process TUs can use the DWCPs as a platform to focus ILO actions & seek support for their priorities

6 Objectives of the Workshop
Promoting the understanding on the impact of globalization and economic crisis on workers rights and labour relations systems; Develop understanding on how ILO’s Decent Work approach & Standards can help address unequal bargaining position between parties to an employment relationship and promote Decent Work for all workers; Strengthening national trade union capacities to take informed actions – for promotion of FoA, collective bargaining and to influence labour relations;

7 Key issues to be discussed
The world of work & challenges for the labour movement Country reviews: focus on National Policies & Practices on employment, industrial relations and key issues facing unions ILO’s Decent Work approach DWCPs & role of Standards Freedom of association and Collective Bargaining in Korea Reforming national labour policies for promotion of Decent Work & Union Priorities for inclusion in DWCPs

8 Key issues to be discussed
Organizing & social protection for workers in precarious employment (Korean experience) Employment Relationships, labour law & ILO Recommendation No 198 Trade Union Responses to precarious employment FoA, Organizing & Collective Bargaining: Pathway to Decent Work Follow up Work Plans: Union Actions for Promotion of Decent Work

9 Main Outputs Expected Union strategies for influencing policies & initiatives to promote decent work led job-rich socio-economic development which respects workers voice, representation & social security rights Preparation of follow up work plan – to strengthen union actions for promotion of decent work

10 Evaluation Feedback is welcome on daily-basis
End of the workshop evaluation Feedback is welcome on daily-basis

11 Role of Participants Your experience is valuable! Please contribute actively – your experience is a source of education for all of us! Be PUNCTUAL! – please…..  every one is expected to come for the sessions on time, preferably 5 minutes before time.

12 Any Questions?

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