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EOSC Digital Innovation Hub (EOSC DIH)

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Presentation on theme: "EOSC Digital Innovation Hub (EOSC DIH)"— Presentation transcript:

1 EOSC Digital Innovation Hub (EOSC DIH)
Bringing industry into the European Open Science Cloud Sy Holsinger, EGI Foundation / EOSC DIH Coordinator EOSC-hub Week, Prague 11 Apr 2019 Dissemination level: Public

2 EC Digital Innovation Hub Initiative
Background and landscape

3 Digital Innovation Hub
EC definition What is a Digital Innovation Hub? An ecosystem of start-ups, SMEs, large industries, researchers, accelerators and investors that fosters the creation of partnerships to stimulate innovation.

4 Digital Innovation hub
A one-stop-shop providing services to companies in the region through a multi-partner cooperation Access to Specialist Expertise and Infrastructure Brokering/matchmaking Awareness Creation around Digital Technologies Innovation Scouting Digital Maturity Assessment. Visioning and Strategy Development for Businesses Mentoring

5 European Landscape of DIHs
Agile, and demand-driven, Digital Innovation Hubs in Europe are sustainable innovation ecosystems, not just a gateway to services. Running DIH initiatives 22 innovation hubs all over the European continent, soon expanding worldwide Digital Innovation Hubs in H2020: The EC is focusing EUR 300M in H2020 ( ) – short time from idea to hands-on experimentation and development. €110m of funding has been invested in I4MS since 2013; - 11 large projects funded by Fp7 and H2020, 70 competence centres;

6 Digital Innovation Hubs Catalogue
First version available: Fact-sheets with profile, contact data, service examples for regional, national, and EU- supported DIHs Map-based search tool by technical competences, market sector, services gital-innovation-hubs-tool 8

7 DIHNET.EU Project

8 Launch 3 Working Groups To derive recommendations to the High-Level Governance Meeting within 1 year WG on Digital Innovation Hubs addressing issues such as Raising awareness and engaging SMEs Improving access to finance for SMEs Networking and collaboration including business models Role of Member States/regions for the development of DIHs Reinforce digital skills and training dimension 2. Joint WG of DEI and Multi Stakeholder Platform (MSP) on standardization activities of Digital Industrial Platforms Coordination of platform building and piloting activities Synchronization and acceleration of standardization efforts 3. WG on Future Partnerships The Multistakeholder Platform on ICT Standardisation (MSP) and the Digitising European Industry initiative (DEI) set up a joint Working Group in March 2018 with the aim of providing a comprehensive plan to foster standardisation in support of the digitalisation of European industry. It brings together nominated representatives of the MSP and the High-level governance meeting of the European platform of national initiatives on digitising industry, including national ministries and actions on digitising industry, European Standardisation Organisations (ESOs), Public-Private Partnerships, and relevant European associations. In particular, the Working Group will: Identify, as a starting point, the standardisation needs in the manufacturing sector, which might serve as a blueprint for other domains in the future.

9 WP ICT "Digitizing and transforming European industry and services" calls for digital innovation hubs (€300M) DT-ICT : Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE) Initiative, with the "widening" part for industrial regions that are currently underrepresented in I4MS and SAE DT-ICT : Robotics – Digital Innovation Hubs DT-ICT : I4MS (phase 4) - uptake of digital game changers and digital manufacturing platforms DT-ICT : Photonics Innovation Hubs DT-ICT : Big Data Innovation Hubs In SC2: DT-RUR : ICT Innovation agriculture – Digital Innovation Hubs for Agriculture + Support action DT-ICT : Coordination and Support Activities for Digital Innovation Hub network

10 EOSC Digital Innovation Hub
Objectives, pilots and ongoing collaborations

11 Builds on the EC initiative to onboard industrial partnerships within the European Open Science Cloud Joint effort from years of individual e-Infrastructure industry engagement programs Focused on (not limited to) start-ups and SMEs Starts with 6 business pilots selected during project preparation; open for many more To persist beyond the life of any support project (e.g. EOSC-hub project –

12 EOSC DIH: Overview “To bring private companies into the Start:
Key Figures Mission “To bring private companies into the European Open Science Cloud through concrete business cases.” Start: 1st January 2018 48 Service offerings 25 Partners 6 Pilots running Driven by

13 EOSC DIH: Objectives Offer access to e-Infrastructure resources to support pilots, prototyping, scaling-up, design, performance verification, testing, demonstration, etc. Facilitate partnerships with SMEs/industry, innovation clusters, accelerators and investors that stimulate innovation Increase visibility on a European/International level Provide business coaching and training to “accelerate” market uptake and exploitation results Support access to funding/grants Develop long-term business relationships

14 Piloting and co-design
EOSC-DIH: Services Pilots/proofs of concepts Service/Product design PaaS/SaaS Integration Performance verification Testing Piloting and co-design Compute (HTC, HPC, Cloud) Storage (Online/Archive) Data management Research data Tools & applications Technical access Technical consultancy Service management Commercialization and business coaching Brokerage to funding and opportunities Training & Support Media Exposure Participation to events Promotional print material Inclusion in marketplace Networking Visibility

15 Collaboration Platform
Vouchers, Marketplace, Platform Vouchers *additional options based on use case EOSC Marketplace Collaboration Platform *prototype based on

16 Initial 6 Business Pilots
Pre-selected to kick start the DIH - open for many more!

17 EOSC DIH: Our Initial 6 Business Pilots
ACTION Seaport Space Weather Data for the DRACO Observatory CyberHAB Bot Mitigation Engine Sport Smart Video Analysis Furniture Enterprise Analytics Datafurn

18 EOSC DIH: Our Initial 6 Business Pilots
Improving safety and operational performance of seaports A Cloud Framework for State-of-the-art Space Weather Using data cloud Services to manage harmful algae blooms Demos ran at DI4R Lisbon ACTION Seaport Space Weather Data for the DRACO Observatory CyberHAB Solutions to secure online services from Botnets Attacks Analysing Sport Performance through a Cloud-hosted platform Platform-as-a-Service Data Analytics for the Furniture Industry Demos today at EOSC-hub Week! 11 April 2019 Bot Mitigation Engine Sport Smart Video Analysis Furniture Enterprise Analytics Datafurn

19 Additional Collaborations (at various stages)
Why Collaborate Why should industry engage the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)? Diverse services; Exploit research data; Expertise; Wide visibility; Funding opportunities Single point for discovery, request and access of services and expertise Collaborate on a European and international scale Promote services (agreeing to the ‘rules of participation’) Participant in procurement framework Are you already in a Digital Innovation Hub? EC wants to create a pan-European ‘network’ of DIHs, we should work together Additional Collaborations (at various stages)

20 EOSC DIH Team EOSC DIH Partners Sy Holsinger (EGI)
Marcin Plociennik (PSNC) Agnieszka Rabenda-Tomczak (PSNC) Konrad Leszczynski (PSNC) Claudio Arlandini (CINECA) Giuseppe Fiameni (CINECA) Nuno Varandas (F6S) Hugo Cantão (F6S) Catherine O'Donoghue (F6S) David Wright (UCL)

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