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Read Chapter 5. Today: - membranes that line body cavities

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Presentation on theme: "Read Chapter 5. Today: - membranes that line body cavities"— Presentation transcript:

1 Read Chapter 5. Today: - membranes that line body cavities - ***the cell membrane

2 Membranes in the body line a body cavity
or are between two compartments.

3 Why have a cell membrane?
- isolate the cell  cytosol (intracellular fluid) from extracellular fluid - regulate exchange with the environment  ions, nutrients, wastes, secretions - cell communicates with the environment  eg. receptor proteins bind signaling molecules - structural support  cellular junctions, anchor cytoskeletal proteins

4 What are the components of the cell membrane
and what are their functions?

5 What are the components of the cell membrane and what are their functions?

6 Lots of phospholipids.




10 Integral mb proteins are tightly associated to mb
(eg. membrane spanning). Associated protein is loosely bound to mb (eg. enzymes, some structural).

11 An example of a membrane spanning protein.

12 Functions of membrane proteins:
1. Structural proteins (junctions, cytoskeleton) 3. Receptors – bind a signaling molecule (ligand) 2. Enzymes – reactions cell membrane (digestion, signaling) 4. Transporters - channels - water filled pore - carrier proteins - bind molecule to be carried across

13 1. Structural proteins:junctions
Functions of membrane proteins:

14 1. Structural proteins: cytoskeleton
Functions of membrane proteins:

15 3. Enzymes 2. Cell membrane receptor protein
Functions of membrane proteins:

16 3. Channel proteins are gated.

17 Gating of a channel protein:

18 How are the channels gated (opened)
How are the channels gated (opened)? Voltage gated, chemically gated, mechanically gated.

19 4. Facilitated diffusion by a carrier protein:
- never a continuous pore

20 Facilitated diffusion by a carrier protein:

21 How can lipids enter a cell?


23 How can glucose enter a cell?

24 Facilitated diffusion by a carrier protein:

25 How can calcium (Ca++) enter a cell?

26 Calcium enters through a calcium channel

27 How does insulin bind onto a cell?

28 Insulin receptor protein

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