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CS 684 Reporting Computational Experiements with Parallel Algorithms: Issues, Measures, and Experts’ Opinions Richard S. Barr SMU Betty L. Hickman University.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 684 Reporting Computational Experiements with Parallel Algorithms: Issues, Measures, and Experts’ Opinions Richard S. Barr SMU Betty L. Hickman University."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 684 Reporting Computational Experiements with Parallel Algorithms: Issues, Measures, and Experts’ Opinions Richard S. Barr SMU Betty L. Hickman University of Nebraska at Omaha

2 Introduction Algorithm performance/efficiency
Theoretical (order analysis) Emperical testing of implementations Order analysis is often not enough Based on worst case Example: Simplex method bad worst case, but excellent on large class of problems

3 Parallel Algorithm Performance Measurement Complications
Limitations imposed by machine designs Differences in machine architectures The stochastic nature of some parallel algorithms Inherent opportunities for the introduction of biases Particular Concern: Speedup

4 Background Why use parallel processing Types of parallel computers
Absolute speed, relative speed and cost, scalability Types of parallel computers Instruction Stream Single Multiple SISD SIMD MISD MIMD Data Stream

5 Message Passing Architectures
Requires some form of interconnection The network is the bottleneck Latency and bandwidth Diameter Bisection bandwidth

6 Message Passing Architectures
Line/Ring Mesh/Torus Tree/Fat Tree

7 Message Passing Architectures

8 Message Passing Computers Traditional MIMD Machines
IBM SP-2 Cray T3E Workstation Clusters Interconnection Network Processors Memory Modules

9 Shared Memory Computers
Bus Processors SMP Machines SGI Origin series

10 Interconnection Network
Distributed Shared Memory SGI Origin series Workstation Clusters Kendall Square Research KSR1 and KSR2 Interconnection Network Processors Memory Modules

11 Supercomputer Evolution
Interconnection Network Bus Bus Bus ……. Interconnection Network …….

12 Performance Analysis Sources of Speed We want:
Machine, architecture Solution algorithm Algorithm implementation We want: A quick machine and an efficient algorithm and implementation which matches the machine Performance Analysis Goal Empirical evidence of an algorithms efficiency More than just order analysis

13 Reporting of Computational Testing
An efficiency measure should reflect computational effort and solution quality Authors should state clearly What is being tested What performance criteria are being considered What performance measure is being used to draw inferences Bear in mind: Performance measures are summary statistics and, as much as possible, should conform to all of the accepted rules regarding the use thereof.

14 Questions What is time? What is Speedup? What is efficiency?
Rationale for parallel processing is time CPU time? Wall-clock? What is Speedup? Relative vs. absolute What is efficiency? Traditional vs. incremental Is superlinear speedup possible?

15 Issues in Reporting Must choose a small subset of metrics
Choosing metrics Use absolute speedup to demonstrate performance Use relative speedup to demonstrate scalability What portion of system overhead should you measure? What constitutes the base case? For stochastic codes, multiple runs? Sources of Bias Metric Choices The longer the serial time, the greater the speedup Consider the motivational bias


17 Answers & Comments Most popular: Other
Include all data Could overwhelm Single number can’t capture all data Report Std. Dev.


19 Answers & Comments Present the table More problems should be tested
Single number not enough More problems should be tested Include results from a well-known code


21 Answers & Comments Other
63 % - measures that reflect variability 25 % - ratio of means or medians 12 % - raw data Should provide variance measures since that is the purpose of the study Serial differences due to random variability - use average serial time


23 Answers & Comments Effort Statistics Non respondents said it depends
Mean = 5.8 Median & Mode = 5 Std. Dev. = 2.9 Non respondents said it depends Be reasonable - Give justification May be preferable to compare with well-known algorithm


25 Answers & Comments Many said both (a) and (b)
More important is to explicitly state which of the above was used


27 Answers & Comments “I tend to be skeptical about one number measuring the goodness of an algorithm” “Use a number of performance measures” “There must be a better method, but I do not know it.” “No, but it is attractive to boil performance down to a single number, so it will likely continue as the dominant measure.”

28 Overall Comments Rating the effectiveness of a parallel algorithm by a single measure, speedup, seems analogous to describing a probability distribution by reporting only its mean As a rule, authors of code will present data to make their code appear best. That is human nature. More important is to explicitly state how they are reporting and how testing was performed, i.e., acknowledge their biases.

29 Overall Comments The value of parallelism is an economic issue or real time speedup issue. … Without the cost of the parallel system, the benefits of speedup are meaningless. Also, we should report the actual times--not only speedups--and on problem sizes where speedup is of the essence.

30 Overall Comments After the initial excitement of actual implementation of conventional or new algorithms on parallel machines, speedup factors are going to lose their allure. … However, if we show that what took an hour on a $10,000,000 superframe, now takes 15 minutes on a $500,000 multicomputer, it will have a significant impact whatever the speedup factor is.

31 Overall Comments Rules to follow
Avoid point samples, i.e., solve each problem instance several times and solve many problem instances. Summarize the data in more than one way. Be willing to report negative results. More people should think of these important issues.

32 Survey Conclusions Use more than just speedup
Measures of variation are important Report as much raw data as possible No strong consensus on how Reference values from well-known codes are vital Use statistical experimental design We should focus on real time and cost

33 Additional Performance Measures for MIMD
Generalized Incremental Efficiency Problem is too big for one processor Scaled Speedup Indicates the value of additional processors Fixed-time speedup Estimate time on one processor Scaleup The ability of an n-times larger system to perform an n-times larger job

34 Heuristic Code Performance
Randomization Closeness to optimality may not be determined exactly When do you stop? Heuristic control parameters? Trade-off between time and solution quality Best: Graph of time vs. quality

35 Guidelines Thoroughly document the process
Describe the code, algorithm, design, data structures, and tuning parameters Document the computing environment Describe the testing environment & methodology How were times measured How is speedup computed What tuning parameters were used. Describe the quality measure used.

36 Guidelines Use a well considered experimental design
Focus on real time and cost to solve difficult problems Try to identify the factors that contribute to the results presented, and their effects. Provide points of reference. Use well-known codes and problems Perform final numbers on dedicated or lightly loaded systems Employ statistical experimental design techniques. They can highlight factors that contribute to performance results.

37 Guidelines Provide a comprehensive report of the results
For summary measures, use measures of central tendency, variability, and cost-effectiveness. Use graphics where possible and when informative Provide as much detail as possible Describe the sensitivity of the code to changes in the tuning strategy. Be courageous and include your “failures,” since they provide insight also. Objectivity is the key.

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