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On Being ___ & ___ ENC 1101 presentations.

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Presentation on theme: "On Being ___ & ___ ENC 1101 presentations."— Presentation transcript:

1 On Being ___ & ___ ENC 1101 presentations

2 You will need to decide as a group on two aspects of your culture.
Ex: On being a female and an athlete Ex: On being white and a jazz musician Ex: On being a teenager and an antiques collector Choosing a topic

3 Essential Questions “What is the substance of these two identities?”
“How does each establish itself in the overall identity?” Essential Questions

4 Content “Say what we are not and what we are”
the stereotypes versus the truths Content

5 What will we present? 3-4 minutes Everyone in the group should speak
Powerpoint slides should be concise notes; you should not READ your presentation Include pictures and other aids Define both aspects of your culture; compare and contrast them; give non-examples What will we present?

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