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University High School

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1 University High School
HCSSiM & Math Camps Jack Ma University High School 12

2 Think before we start How many digits does the number 2^10000 has ?

3 Math Programs Ross Program (<=10%) Promys (<=10%)
HCSSiM (8 - 9%) Canada/USA Math Camp (9%)

4 Overview of HCSSiM Six weeks intensive program Highly selective
Small program, high staff to student ratio (1 : 5) Explore high level topics such as Group Theory, Topology, Complex analysis, etc

5 Back to the question If you still have no idea about how many digits does 2^10000 has, try to us Log.

6 A typical day at the program
~7:34am - Wake up and go to breakfast 8:34-12:34 - Classes 12:34 - Eat lunch, and hang out 5:00 (17:00) - Prime Time Theorem 6:00-7:00 - Eat dinner 7:00-10:00 - Problem sessions 10:00-11:17 - Hang out 11:17 - Quiet time

7 Traditions of HCSSiM We like the number 17 Yellow Pig is our logo
Brown University California Institute of Technology Cambridge University Carleton College Columbia University Harvard College Harvey Mudd College Haverford College Massachusetts Institute of Technology New York University Oxford University Princeton University Stanford University University of Chicago University of Pennsylvania Washington University in St. Louis Williams College Yale University We like the number 17 Yellow Pig is our logo Alumni usually stay in touch for life time Alumni usually attend prestigious colleges and universities

8 Why do I choose the program ?
I love math and can’t wait to learn more Researching about math programs and found them Rejected by Ross first. Found that HCSSiM is more funny and interesting.

9 Do I like it ? What did I learn ?
It has become one of my happiest memory of the pass 17 years of my life. Brought my math to the next level (Doing research with my friend) Met exceptional students all around the world Got to know a lot of famous people in top Universities (Connections) Got to known influential people in fields such as Math, Science, CS, Finance, etc.

10 How to apply ? Application is on their website(Google HCSSiM)
Usually available at the beginning of the year. Rolling bases, not dead line, but usually gets filled up by the beginning of June. Interesting Test.

11 What is my ideal summer ? To experience something new
Meet different people Learn some stuff If I have a chance, I will definitely choose the same exact summer.

12 Questions ?

13 Answer to the every first problem
2^10000 contains 3011 digits. If you got the answer, then you are probably a good candidate for those talented math programs

14 Thanks ! Jack Ma

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