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5.9.18 U.S. HISTORY ON THIS DAY: 1502 - Christopher Columbus left Spain for his final trip to the Western Hemisphere. 1926 - Americans Richard Byrd.

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Presentation on theme: "5.9.18 U.S. HISTORY ON THIS DAY: 1502 - Christopher Columbus left Spain for his final trip to the Western Hemisphere. 1926 - Americans Richard Byrd."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. HISTORY ON THIS DAY: Christopher Columbus left Spain for his final trip to the Western Hemisphere Americans Richard Byrd and Floyd Bennett became the first men to fly an airplane over the North Pole Fascist Italy took Addis Abba and annexed Ethiopia West Germany joined NATO A laser beam was successfully bounced off Moon for the first time The House Judiciary Committee began formal hearings on the Nixon impeachment. BELL WORK: PICK-UP YOUR TEXTBOOK (IF IT ISN’T AT YOUR DESK) & A GUIDED TOUR. COMPLETE THE GUIDED TOUR. (#1.1) AGENDA: DISCUSS GUIDED TOUR.(#1.1) FINISH THE ERNEST GREEN STORY & 6 SQUARE. COMPLETE WRITTEN RESPONSE FOR EXTRA CREDIT. COMPLETE EXIT TICKET #. HOMEWORK: WORK ON CIVIL RIGHTS UNIT VOCABULARY.

2 The Little Rock 9

3 Ernest Green


5 Exit Ticket # Based on what we learned about the Little Rock Nine, do you think you could have done what they did? Explain your answer.

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