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Presentation on theme: "PROJECT PERFORMANCE MEASURES"— Presentation transcript:

April 16 and 17, 2019 Sam Morgan (NCDB Co-Director) Julie Durando (NCDB Evaluation Coordinator) Susan Weigert (OSEP Project Officer) From announcement: Audience: State Deaf-Blind Projects Content: The two times will contain the same information so you only need to attend one. The webinar will include an explanation of the common measures, including guidance on setting and calculating performance targets and how they relate to APR requirements. There will be plenty of time for questions. If you have questions prior to or following the webinar, contact Sam Morgan or Julie Durando for questions on the measures or your Project Officer for questions on the APR. Both meetings will be captioned. Materials (see attached, or follow the links to where they are stored in the state portal): Common Project Measures for the Deaf-Blind TA Network Sample 326T APR document CONNECTION INFORMATION The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, #H326T However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officer, Susan Weigert.

2 Webinar Objectives Provide an explanation of the new ‘common project measures’ Offer guidance on setting and calculating performance targets related to APR requirements Offer guidance on APR completion including Program and Project Measures Provide opportunity for questions and answers Note that we will not be reading verbatim from the document for sake of leaving max time for questions, link is in chat pod to see full text

3 Benefits of Common Project Measures
Simplify evaluation and reporting Allow the Deaf-Blind TA Network to show the impact Support dialogue within the network

4 Explanatory Document Organization
Each measure Measure language with explanation Calculation Sources for identifying performance targets Overall timing, data collection, reporting, and usage

5 Common Measure 1 Percent change in the number of children newly identified newly identified children divided by total number of children in your state Child Count NCDB provides link in document to state and national data that may be helpful in setting targets Calculation Percent = 1a/1b * 100 1a. The number of newly identified children with deaf-blindness in your state reported to NCDB for the annual National Child Count. 1b. The total number of children with deaf-blindness in your state reported to NCDB for the annual National Child Count. Sources for identifying Performance Targets Two types of child count data are available from NCDB to assist you in setting performance targets for identification—national newly-identified rates and state-specific newly-identified rates. It is up to your project to determine which works best for your state.

6 Common Measures 2-4 TA on access to the general education curriculum (supplemental information included) TA on communication systems and interventions TA on employment experience Ratio of intensive TA plans counting towards measure divided by total intensive TA plans in appropriate age range 2. See supplemental information: GEC is different from inclusive environments; focus on access to curriculum, recognizing alternate academic achievement standards and suggestions to educational 3. Is subjective; assumes that the knowledge and experience of state deaf-blind project personnel judgement, on whether a system meets a child’s needs in relation to intentionality, symbolism, and sensory access, and if interventions are of high quality. Strategies may address maintenance of a system already in place 4. Examples may include strategies for: job or work sampling, service learning/volunteering, internships, apprenticeships, and paid employment weekly for a quarter. Notes: A TA plan could count towards multiple measures If TA is delivered differently re Delaware Utah - IEP driven so is the IEP the TA plan

7 Common Measure 5 Increase in interveners enrolled in training and
Certified/credentialed during reporting period Calculation 5a + 5b 5a. The number of individuals in your state who were enrolled or participated in intervener training that could lead to a certificate or credential during the performance period. 5b. The number of individuals in your state who received a certificate or credential during the performance period.

8 Common Measures 6 - 7 Language for (6) Personnel development and (7) Systems is draft Measurement to be developed during the coming year Language as place holder

9 Timing APR Reporting Requirements for Each Measure by Year Measure
1. Identification no data full 2. TA/Access to GEC partial 3. TA/Communication 4. TA/Employment 5. Interveners 6. Personnel Development 7. Systems Partial: In the second year ( the first year of reporting), the project will report partial data due to the staggered overlap of grant and reporting years, meaning you will not have data for the full 12 months of the reporting period. Full: In subsequent years (depending on measure), the project will report a full year of data for the 12- month reporting period.

10 Timing (Cont.) All projects will begin reporting on common measures 1-5 in year 2 Full data on measure 1 Partial data on measures 2-5 Reporting on common measures 6 and 7 begins in year 3 Partial: In the second year ( the first year of reporting), the project will report partial data due to the staggered overlap of grant and reporting years, meaning you will not have data for the full 12 months of the reporting period. Full: In subsequent years (depending on measure), the project will report a full year of data for the 12- month reporting period.

11 Filling out the 524B Chart Begin by reviewing your Project’s Objectives listed in your Application Fill in Objective 1, 2, 3, etc. on the top part of the chart for all objectives. Find common project measures, Program (GPRA) measures and unique project measures that align with your project objectives and list them under these Objectives

12 Program (GPRA) Measures and Aligned Project Measures (1 of 4)
List the Program measure first under the relevant objective with 999 in the data section, followed by your aligned project measure. 1.The percentage of Technical Assistance and Dissemination services deemed to be of high quality by an independent review panel of experts qualified to review the substantive content of the products and services. Sample Project Measure: Percentage of TA recipients who rate the TA to be of high quality reflective of evidence based practices. (actual data goes in this measure)

13 Program (GPRA) Measures and Aligned Project Measures (2 of 4)
2. The percentage of Special Education Technical Assistance and Dissemination products and services deemed by an independent review panel of qualified experts to be of high relevance to educational or early intervention policy and practice. Sample Project Measure: Percentage of Parents who receive technical assistance who rate the TA as highly relevant to the needs of their child and/or the family. (actual data goes in this measure)

14 Program (GPRA) Measures and Aligned Project Measures (3 of 4)
3. The percentage of all Special Education Technical Assistance and Dissemination products and services deemed by an independent review panel of qualified experts to be useful to improve educational or early intervention policy or practice. Sample Project Measure: Percentage of parents who receive technical assistance who rate the TA as easy to understand and highly useful. (actual data goes in this measure)

15 Program (GPRA) Measures and Aligned Project Measures (4 of 4)
4. The cost efficiency of the Special Education Technical Assistance and Dissemination Program as measured by milestones achieved and funds drawn down in a reporting year. Sample Project Measure: Percentage of proposed milestones for the current reporting period substantially completed. (actual data goes in this measure)

16 Unique Project Measures
You may wish to report on unique project measures that: A. convey important project accomplishments aligned with your project objectives B. measure progress under objectives for which there are no other performance measures. e.g. Staff presentations will result in increased awareness of best practices for students with dual sensory impairment.

17 SECTION B - Budget Information
Insert a Table or Use a 524B Budget Sheet to record expenditures for each budget period. For grantees that will have any unexpended funds at the end of the current budget period, briefly explain why the allocated funds have not been expended, and provide an estimate of the amount to be carried over to the next budget period in the last column of the table. Indicate how you plan to use these unexpended funds (carryover) during the next budget period. See sample.

18 SECTION C - Additional Information
Submit Milestones Achieved during the reporting year (through February 28, 2019) New Services developed in the reporting period: (See the Sample) New Products, if any, developed in the reporting period: (See the Sample) List any unanticipated outcomes or benefits during the reporting period

19 SECTION C - Additional Information (Continued)
List Project Partners (include regional and national collaborative partners) List Milestones for the Upcoming Year

20 Questions?


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