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WP1 Conclusions and a look ahead MIMOD

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1 WP1 Conclusions and a look ahead MIMOD
ROME April 11th | 12th MIMOD Mixed-Mode Designs for Social Surveys FINAL WORKSHOP Conclusions and a look ahead WP1 Manuela Murgia Istat

2 WP1: Conclusions and a look ahead
Thanks to the NSIs’s cooperation to the MIMOD survey, the picture on the mixed-mode practices in use in the ESS is update and complete. General conclusions from the MIMOD survey: although single mode approach is still largely used, mixed-mode strategies are growing while adaptive mode allocation is still rarely adopted maybe because too complex and/or too theoretical. The growth of mixed-mode designs is explained by the fact that they have been a way for NSIs to try to reduce costs and to improve quality, facing anyway an higher complexity of the survey design. In fact more modes are present in one fieldwork and since modes strongly impact on errors and costs, in this WP1 we focused on survey modes, providing checklists that try to structure the mode choice and mode allocation. In these checklists anyway objectives and risks involved in any decision process implemented by the NSIs are missing. MIMOD project - Mixed-Mode Designs in Social Surveys Rome, April 2019

3 WP1: Conclusions and a look ahead
A next step could be to transform the two checklists into short follow-up questionnaires. In this way: Then main objectives and risks as viewed by NSIs can be identified; It would make clear how well actual implementations meet the objectives and avoid risks; Potential identification of population subgroups for which adaptation can be tried. Follow-up survey could be done for a sample of surveys and NSIs   MIMOD project - Mixed-Mode Designs in Social Surveys Rome, April 2019

4 Thanks MIMOD project - Mixed-Mode Designs in Social Surveys
Rome, April 2019

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