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1 Pulse Virtual Training
Anthem’s Brand Voice

2 Pulse Virtual Training
Welcome to Pulse Virtual Training

3 Objective: By the end of the tutorial, you will be able to correctly identify and create content in Pulse using Anthem’s Brand Voice. This lesson take a look at Anthem’s Brand Voice and ways to make your content connect with your audience in an approachable, personable style.

4 What is Anthem’s Brand Voice?
Anthem’s Brand Voice moves away from the traditional corporate tone. Tell people what you want them to know but express how you want them to feel. Anthem's Culture of Caring Anthem's culture of caring should be at the forefront of all communications. Anthem's brand voice attempts to move away from the traditional corporate tone and connect with audiences using an approachable, personable style. And connect with audiences using an approachable, personable style. Tell people what you want them to know, but your voice should express how you want them to feel. Inspiring individuals to achieve their professional goals. Anthem's culture of caring should be at the forefront of all communications.

5 Brand Resource Toolkit
The Brand Voice Toolkit offers content contributors a robust guide to understanding and implementing the brand voice. The Brand Voice Toolkit offers content contributors a robust guide to understanding and implementing the brand voice. This toolkit contains examples for all audiences, including fellow associates, and how to follow the four key rules in establishing the right tone for a communication. It serves as inspiration to help communicators “get into character” as the Anthem brand.

6 When writing content for Pulse, there are four things a content contributor should consider:
When writing content for Pulse, Anthem's brand voice should always be considered. When writing content for Pulse, Anthem's brand voice should always be considered. Content contributors should take on the role of a helpful guide who eagerly provides answers, guidance, and the tools necessary for others to outperform in their jobs. The voice is most successful when it instills associates with a sense of confidence and understanding. Consistent use of Anthem's brand voice will help ensure that content on Pulse is engaging and inviting for all associates. There are four key considerations to keep in mind when using the internal Anthem brand voice in the creation or review of content.

7 Contributors should take on the role of a helpful guide
When writing content for Pulse, there are four things a content contributor should consider: Contributors should take on the role of a helpful guide Content contributors should take on the role of a helpful guide who eagerly provides answers, guidance, and the tools necessary for others to outperform in their jobs.

8 Instill confidence and understanding
When writing content for Pulse, there are four things a content contributor should consider: Instill confidence and understanding The voice is most successful when it instills associates with a sense of confidence and understanding.

9 When writing content for Pulse, there are four things a content contributor should consider:
Consistent use of Anthem's brand voice will help ensure that content on Pulse is engaging Consistent use of Anthem's brand voice will help ensure that content on Pulse is engaging and inviting for all associates. There are four key considerations to keep in mind when using the internal Anthem brand voice in the creation or review of content.

10 Our brand voice Just like our brand, we all share the same voice as a family of companies. When we speak, we are personal and approachable. This sets us apart in an industry that is often viewed as cold and institutional. Our brand voice is an extension of our brand personality, so whenever you are writing, refer to our brand character. Everything we write should sound and feel like it’s coming from that character. When writing content for Pulse, Anthem's brand voice should always be considered. Content contributors should take on the role of a helpful guide who eagerly provides answers, guidance, and the tools necessary for others to outperform in their jobs. The voice is most successful when it instills associates with a sense of confidence and understanding. Consistent use of Anthem's brand voice will help ensure that content on Pulse is engaging and inviting for all associates. There are four key considerations to keep in mind when using the internal Anthem brand voice in the creation or review of content.

11 Understand your intent Make it sound like Anthem
How to use our brand voice 1 Understand your intent 2 Consider your context 3 Make it sound human 4 Make it sound like Anthem Begin the piece with the main idea and remember the intent of your work throughout the writing process What is your intent? All content should serve the purpose of engaging and informing its audience. Begin the piece with the main idea and remember the intent of your work throughout the writing process. This will ensure that the purpose of the content is understood by your readers. 

12 Understand your intent Make it sound like Anthem
How to use our brand voice 1 Understand your intent 2 Consider your context 3 Make it sound human 4 Make it sound like Anthem Understand the audience and the type of message being communicated. What is the context of your writing? Know who your audience is, what type of message you’re communicating and the timing of the communication. Thinking about the context will help you determine the appropriate narrative style, tone, and format for how the information should be displayed.

13 Understand your intent Make it sound like Anthem
How to use our brand voice 1 Understand your intent 2 Consider your context 3 Make it sound human 4 Make it sound like Anthem Ensure that content sounds human, as if telling a story. It may sound silly but make your message sound human. No one wants to be talked to in a corporate, stuffy manner. Be casual and friendly. One way to make sure that content sounds human is to say the information aloud, as if telling a story to a casual friend. Avoid coming off robotic or cold. It is best to avoid using jargon and instead, use casual pronouns and contractions. Make casual asides and Anecdotes, if it's appropriate. For suggestions, check out the “Using simpler words quick guide”.

14 Understand your intent Make it sound like Anthem
How to use our brand voice 1 Understand your intent 2 Consider your context 3 Make it sound human 4 Make it sound like Anthem Take on the role of a helpful guide when writing or reviewing a piece of content. Finally, make it sound like Anthem. What does that mean? It means that you, as a content contributor, take on the role of a helpful guide. You should help associates feel well informed, confident in their professional roles, and capable of discussing the information themselves.

15 Anthem's brand voice helps us all better understand the content on a more personal level and create a deeper sense of connection and community. At its core, Anthem's brand voice helps us all better understand the content on a more personal level and create a deeper sense of connection and community. Let’s look at some examples of how to use Anthem’s Brand Voice

16 Let’s look at some examples of how to use Anthem’s Brand Voice.
Instead of something like Learn more about the values and behaviors we exemplify. Say something like Learn more about what we value and how we act. Instead of something like… Learn more about the values and behaviors we exemplify. Say something like… Learn more about what we value and how we act. 

17 Take a look at this example . . .
Instead of something like Through our GBD, the company is the nation's leader in serving low-income families and people with disabilities through government-sponsored health care programs. . . Say something like We're proud to lead the way in serving low-income families and people with disabilities through our GBD, which offers government-sponsored health care programs. Instead of something like… Through our GBD, the company is the nation's leader in serving low-income families and people with disabilities through government-sponsored health care programs. Say something like… We're proud to lead the way in serving low-income families and people with disabilities through our GBD, which offers government-sponsored health care programs.

18 Instead of something like . . . Report a Content Mistake.
Here’s another example . . . Instead of something like Report a Content Mistake. Say something like Something not right? Let us know Instead of something like… Report a Content Mistake. Say something like… Something not right? Let us know.

19 Let’s examine this page in Pulse and see how they’ve applied Brand Voice
Let’s take a look at an article and see how this contributor applied the Anthem Brand voice.

20 Headline The article starts with an approachable, yet informative headline

21 Caring tone Anthem e-cards continue to make an important impact across the enterprise and you have the power to share your appreciation whenever you like. The text uses a caring tone

22 Access to resources The content provides links to helpful, easy access to resources.

23 Personal message It ends with a message that is causal and personal to the reader.

24 Knowledge Check See if you can select which writing best displays Anthem’s Brand Voice. Click the blue arrow on the Anthem Brand Voice web page to begin.

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