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Spending When you spend money you Buy goods and services.

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Presentation on theme: "Spending When you spend money you Buy goods and services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spending When you spend money you Buy goods and services.

2 Goods and Services You can spend money on Goods. Goods are things you take with you from the store. Some goods are used up. Some are saved. Some goods can be sold when you dont want them anymore. You can spend money on Services. Services are things you pay someone to do for you. Your babysitter and your dentist provide services. Renting videos is a service When you go to a movie or circus you pay for a service.

3 Goods Shirt Socks Jacket Shoes Groceries Pizza Root Beer Toothbrush Toys Pokemon Cards Games Books Bed Dresser Blankets Chair

4 Services Dentist Doctor Hairdresser Babysitter Boat Ride Plane Ride Hotel Museum Electricity Telephone Cable TV Internet Video Rental

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