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App review Kayley norford.

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1 App review Kayley norford

2 Official 7 minute workout
This 7-minute non-stop, workout will get students blood flowing. Each exercise is 30 seconds long and requires no gym equipment. It includes video demonstration of each exercise. You can create your student’s workout by choosing the number of circuits, rest periods, and the level of difficulty. Having this app feels like a personal trainer just over the phone for students to follow This app can be used for both teachers and students. Teachers – prepare workouts, Students – do the workout teachers create.

3 Analysis about 7 minute workout
Use: Middle school to High school students since it requires tracking workouts on phones. Utilization: Being able to use this with students would be able to allow teachers to track their students workout progress and have a set plan for students each class. Letting students track their fitness could potentially make students work harder. Cost: Free to download on iPhone or apple watch Likes: Free to use with set workouts for students to get blood flowing as a warm up, tracks every workout, 72 different exercises, and recommends workouts for each specific induvial (

4 Gonoodle kids GoNoodle Kids is an app that uses dancing and mind activities. This app is for physical education teachers, as it allows your students to be creative, active, and to express themselves. Students will sing, think, and move along with animated figures, making physical activity interesting. GoNoodle improves behavior and attention and betters academic performances with gym classes. This app can be used for teachers to create lesson plans and for students to use to have fun in gym class with dancing.

5 Analysis about gonoodle kids
Usage: can be easily used on a computer screen or smart phone for students to be able to stay active while having fun doing school work. Mainly used for elementary school students. Utilization: GoNoodle could be used in health classes by keeping students active while trying to teach/learn health material. Costs: Free Likes: Free to use in classrooms and can be used at home, helps students stay active while learning material, and makes learning interesting by playing dance games. Dislikes: Not everyone is able to have access to a computer or smart phone at home and only available for elementary students.

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