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Top 10 Student Concerns from Town Hall Meeting Survey

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1 Top 10 Student Concerns from Town Hall Meeting Survey
Concern #1: Demerits are handed out like candy and its difficult to earn merits Recommendation: The JROTC Department is revising our merit and demerit policy to ensure students are able to view their merits/demerits on a weekly basis. In addition, affording students an opportunity to earn merits on a daily basis. This plan will be implemented before the 25th week of school. Also, all demerits from 1st semester are removed. Concern #2: Cellular Phone Policy Recommendation: Current cellular phone policy will remain in place through school year Administration will review student recommendations for potential implementation in school year 2020. Concern #3: More food choices and quality of food for breakfast and lunch Recommendation: Principal and select group of students are working with the Aramark Food Service Director to improve quality of food and choices. Our first meeting will take place before the 25th week of school. Please spend 5 minutes to complete the food service survey. Concern 4: Additional Extra-curricular opportunities Recommendation: Administration is working with After School Matters to offer a Writing Club, Jazz Ensemble and Running group. Students will be paid for participating. If there is a club you would like that is not currently offered at Carver Military Academy, please find a sponsor (1st step).

2 Top 10 Student Concerns from Town Hall Meeting Survey
Concern #5: LGBTQ rights and understanding Recommendation: Administration is working with select group of students and CPS Representatives to create a more inviting school community that includes: LGBTQ club, posters in the building and educating staff/students. Concern #6: Beautification (murals) inside of our building Recommendation: Administration is working with Art Department to create a large murial (this will happen before end of school year) in the Sophomore Wing. Complete the mosaic project in front of our school and create art work in the Freshman and Sophomore Wing that will be used to quickly distinguish one wing from the other. Concern #7: Picnic tables outside for spring Recommendation: Administration is working with a vendor and plan to install tables outside of the south lunchroom before the end of school year Students will have the opportunity to eat outside in the May and June time-frame.

3 Top 10 Student Concerns from Town Hall Meeting Survey
Concern #8 Have more out of uniform for students that accomplish their goals Recommendation: Students that earn A and B Honor Roll at semester will receive an out of uniform pass. In addition, students that meet PSAT/SAT Benchmark or increase their score by 200 points or more will receive an out of uniform pass (2nd PSAT/SAT). Concern #9: Specified tutoring hours for all classes that are teacher or peer led. Recommendation: We are exploring the possibility of paying students and an hourly stipend for tutoring services. Homework Lab (Tuesday and Thursday) 3:45pm – 4:45pm in Room 158. Students are encouraged to support and will receive merits (possibly pay) Concern #10: Wear the jacket they want with the Class C? Recommendation: We will explore that next year. However, we are soliciting suggestions and input for Carver Letterman Jacket and Class Rings.

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