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Photosynthesis and Respiration

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1 Photosynthesis and Respiration

2 Photosynthesis CO2 + H20  C6H12O6 + O2

3 Energy…. Purpose = make energy Sunlight energy  chemical energy

4 Plant Color Plants absorb & use blue, indigo, violet, and red light.
Green light is reflected

5 Bonds & Energy Energy stored in bonds of sugars (like glucose) and starches Breaking bonds releases energy C – C = Energy X

6 Photosynthesis requires pigments…
Chlorophyll- pigment (green) Chlorophyll in chloroplasts Pigments can also be * yellow * orange (fall leaves) * red (tomatoes)

7 In summary….. We eat plants to get energy (or we eat animals that ate plants to get energy) Our energy comes from plants The ultimate energy source is the SUN



10 Cellular Respiration Equation
C6H12O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP Purpose: Use Energy

11 Respiration = cellular respiration
Glucose  ATP ATP = Usable Energy Both plants and animals use cellular respiration Breathing cells get oxygen Eating cells get glucose

12 Respiration can be: aerobic = O2 anaerobic = O2 BOTH produce Ø

13 Glycolysis Glucose Glucose breaking NO oxygen- Anaerobic
Makes a little ATP Glucose

14 Glycolysis is Just the Beginning…
Glucose will be broken down more to release more Energy

15 Aerobic Pathway Krebs Cycle & Electron Transport Chain (ETC)
Requires O2 If oxygen is not available, then it will NOT occur Produces buckets buckets of ATP! It is the pathway of choice b/c it produces so much energy

16 Anaerobic Pathway (Fermentation)
Requires NO oxygen Produces a little ATP Used only when necessary Alternative to the aerobic pathway

17 Lactic Acid Fermentation
Makes lactic acid Lactic acid buildup burning in muscles during a strenuous workout Large muscles run out of oxygen Fermentation starts to try and get the ATP muscles need

18 Alcoholic Fermention Occurs in yeast cells Produces alcohol
Important to bakers & brewers CO2 is released by yeast CO2 causes bubbles of sparkling wine & beer

19 Respiration Overview

20 Obtaining energy from foods..
More than glucose is needed diet Complex carbohydrates must be broken down into simple sugars Remember all carbohydrates are chains of simple sugars The cell can burn multiple energy sources like a furnace burns different fuels

21 Autotrophs vs. Heterotrophs
Autotrophs make their own food Heterotrophs must obtain their energy from other organisms Plants are autotrophs People and animals are heterotrophs Heterotroph Autotroph

22 Photosynthesis & Respiration
Two sides of the same coin Photosynthesis makes deposits in the “energy bank” Respiration makes withdrawals The equations are opposites of one another

23 Overview


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