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Eric A. Osborn, and Farouc A. Jaffer JIMG 2013;6:

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Presentation on theme: "Eric A. Osborn, and Farouc A. Jaffer JIMG 2013;6:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eric A. Osborn, and Farouc A. Jaffer JIMG 2013;6:1327-1341
Coronary Artery NaF PET/CT Imaging (A) A control group patient with absent coronary artery calcium and no coronary 18F-sodium fluoride (NaF) PET activity. Note the significant vertebral body NaF uptake. (B) Despite extensive left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) calcification, coronary NaF signal is not present in this subject. (C and D) Examples of patients with significant NaF PET activity and CT coronary calcification in the proximal and mid-LAD. (E) Heightened NaF coronary PET uptake in the culprit proximal right coronary artery (RCA) of a patient after recent inferior non–ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Note the absence of LAD NaF PET signal. (F) Coronary angiography in the patient from (E) demonstrated an ulcerated, thrombotic proximal RCA lesion. Eric A. Osborn, and Farouc A. Jaffer JIMG 2013;6: American College of Cardiology Foundation

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