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Brigjen Budyo Prasetyo - Natonal Narcotics Control Board

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Presentation on theme: "Brigjen Budyo Prasetyo - Natonal Narcotics Control Board"— Presentation transcript:

1 Brigjen Budyo Prasetyo - Natonal Narcotics Control Board
11th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON AIDS IN ASIA AND THE PACIFIC INDONESIAN POLICE AND NARCOTICS BOARD RESPONSE TO HIV AND DRUG USE Brigjen Budyo Prasetyo - Natonal Narcotics Control Board Lt Col Lastri Rinyanti - Indonesian National Police

2 BACKGROUND General population surveys:
BNN RESEARCH FINDINGS General population surveys: 2004: Prevalence of Illicit Drug Use is 1.75% (2.8 Million people) 79% Men & 21% Women 61% Regular Users 31% Drug dependent Define Illicit Drug Use during Presentation, and method of the survey

3 2008: Estimated of 1.9% of population aged 10 - 59 yrs (3,362,572) are drug users:
26% have tried drugs (872,929 people), 27% regularly use (894,490 people) 7% have injected drugs (236,172 people) 2011 : Prevalence of illicit drug use increased in 2011 to 2.2%

4 HIV prevalence among female injecting drug users was 57% while for men is 52% of injecting drug users, Integrated Biological and Behavioral Survey, 2009 Overall prevalence fell to 41% overall in 2011 HIV prevalence continued to increase in Jakarta

5 National Police HIV activities
Capacity building for officers in Java, Bali and North Sumatra Training in HIV and harm reduction approaches Involved 3 directorates to develop network within police command to implement an effective response to policing narcotics Narcotics directorate Detention and confiscated goods directorate Medical and health directorate

6 Police response to HIV Need to respond to huge volume of narcotics arrests with HIV management implications HIV and drug use are not a matter only for arrests but also for police personnel New Regulations developed on: Narcotics arrests HIV Regulations already endorsed in East Java and in process of being approved nationally Need to discuss implications of new regulations

7 Medical response to HIV and drug dependency
Police medical staff trained to assess and diagnose addiction To facilitate referral to treatment An alternative to incarceration Courts and prisons currently overwhelmed with narcotics cases Police hospitals certified by MoH to be rehabilitation providers for these cases

8 National narcotics board strategies to improve access to drug treatment
Developed rehabilitation facilities run by both government and CBOs increased human resources Established new rehabilitation centres in two regions in 2013 New centres are planned for: Tanah Merah - East Kalimantan Nongsa - Riau archipelago

9 National Narcotics Board encourages drug law reform and supports decriminalization of drug use & abolition of imprisonment of drug users. BNN is building a collaborative approach with health ministry and related organizations to improve access to treatment including the handling HIV cases.

10 Increase productivity of former drug users through partnerships with business community
Increased training and apprenticeships as well as creating suitable positions for post-rehabilitation program



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