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Education and statistics sector

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1 Education and statistics sector
Issues and recommendation

2 Issue Current situation Recommendation Regional accreditation There is no accreditation body in the region for education and statistical programs The EAC HE qualification framework in place; WB and IUCEA has to relook into this DLR and advise accordingly Partnership MoUs are being signed but few of them are accompanied by proposal of joint activities. Some of partners want budget to be injected into the implementation of activities be only from ACEs Encourage strategic partnership which contribute to the implementation of AWP Ensure that consistent proposals of joint activities are developed for each MoU with clear milestones, targets and timelines Encourage win-win MoUs that allow the ACE to by in Quality for excellence

3 Issue Current situation Recommendation Motivation of center staff Core implementing team is benefiting from university allowances ACEs activities are counted as part of workload of faculty Visiting experts are facilitated (air ticket, accommodation) by ACEs - University is encouraged to make internal arrangement to motivate visiting faculty Attraction of female students All students are treated equally regardless gender ACEs to set consistent strategies to attract female students: Providing additional incentives to female students Providing decent accommodation Enhance marketing mechanisms ACE Management At UR, ACEs operate formally as schools Directors are equivalent to Deans of schools There is forum for CoEs operating in the UR Financial and procurement handled by SPIU Commendable practices should be expanded to other ACEs

4 Issue Current situation Recommendation Procurement Understanding of procedures by users Development of specification Use of government rules Framework contracts used to solve most of recurrent tenders Encourage prio planning and ensure timely implementation of plans Put in place a service standard/SOPs Enhance accountability of staff in charge of procurement

5 Thanks for kind attention

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