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Designing your own experiment with a GFP reporter gene

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1 Designing your own experiment with a GFP reporter gene
Stokes S. Baker Associate Professor of Biology University of Detroit Mercy Creative Commons Copyright: Stokes Baker 2008

2 Introduction Acclimation is the process where changes in physiology allow organisms to prepare for a stress. Creative Commons Copyright: Stokes S. Baker

3 Arabidopsis thaliana “Fruit fly” of the plant world Small
Grows well indoors Prolific Short life cycle Well established genetics The Arabidopsis Information Resource Center (Tair) aboutarabidopsis.jsp. Figure 1: A photograph of Arabidopsis thaliana. Photo by S.S.B. Creative Commons Copyright: Stokes S. Baker

4 Dehydration inducible genes
Dehydration induced changes in gene expression are associated with increased drought tolerance (Harb et al., 2010). Some genes induced by dehydration are involved with other acclimation processes such as low temperature induced freezing tolerance (Harb et al., 2010). Acclimation processes can be interconnected. Hanin M, Brini F, Ebel C, Toda Y, Takeda S, Masmoudi K Plant dehydrins and stress tolerance: Versatile proteins for complex mechanisms. Plant Signaling & Behavior 6(10): Harb A, Krishnan A, Ambavaram MMR, Pereira A Molecular and Physiological Analysis of Drought Stress in Arabidopsis Reveals Early Responses Leading to Acclimation in Plant Growth. Plant Physiology 154(3): Creative Commons Copyright: Stokes S. Baker

5 Eukaryotic structural genes
Promoter Transcribed region Terminator Figure 2: A simplified diagram of the structure of a eukaryotic gene that encodes a protein. Creative Commons Copyright: Stokes S. Baker

6 GFP (green fluorescent protein) coding region
Chimeric genes Genetic engineering involves using recombinant DNA technology to create new genes. One way to do this is to create a chimeric gene. Promoter Transcribed region Terminator Figure 3: A simplified diagram of the structure of a eukaryotic gene that encodes a protein. drt2-promoter GFP (green fluorescent protein) coding region NOS-ter Figure 4: Structure of a cold inducible chimeric gene. The promoter region of the Arabidopsis thaliana drought inducible gene drought2 (drt2) was inserted in front of the coding region of red shifted jellyfish green fluorescent protein (GFP) using recombinant DNA technology. The transcription termination signal is encoded from the Agrobacterium NOS gene. Creative Commons Copyright: Stokes S. Baker

7 GFP Reporter Gene Figure 5: GFP and chlorophyll fluorescence in Arabidopsis leaves. Panel A, wild type leaf viewed under white light (chlorophyll reflection). Panel B, wild type illuminated with visible blue light and viewed through a orange filter (chlorophyll fluorescence). Panel C, wild type leaf illuminated with visible blue epifluorescence lighting as in the next slide. Panel D, transgenic plant expressing GFP illuminated as in Panel C. Photographs by Haittam Greib (Panels A & B) and Cleo B. Vidican (Panels C and D). Creative Commons Copyright: Stokes S. Baker

8 Epifluorescence lighting system
Figure 6: Digital single lens reflex (SLR) camera with epifluorescence attachment. Light from a blue light emitting diode (LED) (A) passes through condensing lenses and an excitation filter (B). A 45O dichroic beam splitting filter (C) reflects blue light (blue down arrow) onto the specimen and allows contaminating green light (green dashed arrow) to pass through. The blue light reflecting off the specimen (blue dashed arrow) is blocked by a combination of the beam splitting filter (C) and a yellow barrier filter (E). Red light from chlorophyll fluorescence (red dashed arrow) can be blocked if a cyan filter (D) is included with the barrier filter set. Green light produced by green fluorescent protein fluorescence (solid green arrow) passes through the beam splitting filter (C) and both barrier filters (D and E) and enters the camera. Creative Commons Copyright: Stokes S. Baker

9 Detecting GFP in Arabidopsis
Place plant samples under a camera with epifluorescence attachment. Focus lens while under white light illumination. Turn off white light and turn on the blue light. Remove extraneous background lighting (i.e., close door to light tight box.) Photograph image for 1 to 5 seconds. Transfer digital image to a computer. View image with ImageJ software. Creative Commons Copyright: Stokes S. Baker

10 Dehydration Assay Excise leaves with scissors.
Immediately photograph using the epifluorescence attachment. One to two hours later, photograph with the epifluorescence attachment. Leaf Time (hours) Wild type 2 35S/GFP drt/GFP Figure 7: Typical results from leaf dehydration experiment. Panel A: Treatments and times that photographs were taken. Panel B: Photographs of leaves using white light and epifluorescence. Creative Commons Copyright: Stokes S. Baker

11 Graphing GFP Expression
Average pixel intensity (counts/s) Stress: Before After Before After Before After Plant: drt2/gfp wild type S/gfp Figure 8: Quantification of surface fluorescence during leaf dehydration experiment. The chimeric genes used are drt2/gfp and 35S/gfp. Wild type plants do not express the gfp gene. Range bars are 95% confidence intervals. Creative Commons Copyright: Stokes S. Baker

12 Your Assignment During the next few weeks, you and your table partners will be jointly performing experiments with transgenic Arabidopsis that express the chimeric drt2/gfp gene. You will be investigating the following issue: Is expression of drt2 specific to dehydration or is it induced by multiple stresses? Creative Commons Copyright: Stokes S. Baker

13 Your group will need to turn in a written research proposal next week
1. Make sure to schedule a time for your group to plan the proposal before leaving class. , discussion boards, and cloud services are great mechanisms to work on a joint document. 2. You need to do some background research. 3. Hand in written proposal for critique by the professor at the next laboratory session. Creative Commons Copyright: Stokes S. Baker

14 Scientific Method Creative Commons Copyright: Stokes S. Baker

15 Your Groups proposal 1. What issue is being addressed? What is your hypothesis? 2. Describe the experiment. - What variable will be altered? - What will be your controls? 3. Describe how you will quantify your results. - Describe the statistical analysis. 4. Describe the alternative outcomes and what they mean. Creative Commons Copyright: Stokes S. Baker

16 Include both positive controls and negative controls
Average pixel intensity (counts/s) Stress: Before After Before After Before After Plant: drt2/gfp wild type S/gfp Figure 8: Quantification of surface fluorescence during leaf dehydration experiment. The chimeric genes used are drt2/gfp and 35S/gfp. Wild type plants do not express the gfp gene. Range bars are 95% confidence intervals. Creative Commons Copyright: Stokes S. Baker

17 Acknowledgements The instructional materials were developed and tested at the University of Detroit Mercy This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant number and number

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