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Eslam Zaqout.

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Presentation on theme: "Eslam Zaqout."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eslam Zaqout

2 Product differentiation
Customers have different prefers along one dimension of a good For example : some customers prefer hot salsa , some prefer mild Vertical product differentiation: customers have the same ordinal preferences but not the same cardinal preferences

3 'Product Differentiation'
Product differentiation can be achieved in many ways. It may be as simple as packaging the goods in a creative way, or as elaborate as incorporating new functional features. Sometimes differentiation does not involve changing the product at all, but creating a new advertising campaign or other sales promotions instead.

4 Development or incorporation of attributes (such as benefits, price, quality, styling, service, etc.)

5 The seller faces an abundance of design parameters
Product form : size, shape, physical structure of product Features: calculating customer value c vs. company costs How many people want each features. How long it would take to introduce. Whether competitors can easily copy it. Performance quality.

6 Durability: A measure of the product life under normal or stressful conditions
Reliability: the product will not fail and not defected. Reparability: how easy it's to fix product when it fails Style: how a product looks and feels to the buyer Design: the integration force , how product looks and functions according to customers need


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