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Year 12 Mock Exam Feedback: Regenerating Places

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1 Year 12 Mock Exam Feedback: Regenerating Places
What went well …. What are the priorities to work on for Yr13? Good knowledge of the regenerating places topic in general. Everybody used case studies. Most answers were well structured. Linking your answer back to the question! Using the command words – evaluating. Making the role of national / local government clear, saying how important their role is, and why (this is where some lost out on a good chunk of the marks).

2 Exam Technique … Re-write the question in the middle of a piece of plain paper with room to annotate: Evaluate the relative importance of local and national government decision makers in the regeneration of either urban or rural areas (20 marks)

3 Are they both important in different ways?
Always start at the command word …. Measure the value or success of something and ultimately provide a balanced and substantiated judgement/conclusion. Review information and then bring it together to form a conclusion, drawing on evidence such as strengths, weaknesses, alternatives and relevant data. Evaluate the relative importance of local and national government decision makers in the regeneration of either urban or rural areas (20 marks) How important are the local decision makers? Why? How important are the national decision makers? Why? Are the local decision makers more important than the national decision makers? And vice versa? Are they both important in different ways? YOU MUST HAVE AN ARGUMENT IN YOUR ANSWER

4 Local Government Decision Makers
Evaluate the relative importance of local and national government decision makers in the regeneration of either urban or rural areas (20 marks) Local Government Decision Makers Local interest groups influence local councils. Local councils role in regeneration projects. More knowledge about local needs for regeneration. Local preservation societies and chamber of commerce Local government is likely to be viewed as successful on small scale but lacking in finance or legal power to make major changes, which are in the hands of the national decision makers. What role do local government decision makers make in the regeneration of urban / rural areas? What is the role of the chambers of commerce? Chambers of commerce exist to make a difference to businesses. This means ensuring views are heard within government, opening new business opportunities in local, national and international markets and providing business advice, services and skills development. What is the role of local preservation societies? Local preservation societies may have views that are environment. They tend to be found in areas with affluent retirees, and tend to have more vociferous and mobilised local interest groups. E.g. Winchester deserves better.

5 National Government Decision Makers
Evaluate the relative importance of local and national government decision makers in the regeneration of either urban or rural areas (20 marks) National Government Decision Makers Infrastructure investments – e.g. HS2 and Heathrow (has knock on effects on other urban and rural regeneration). Planning laws and policies (again influences regeneration at a local scale) Investment Greater access to central development funds Make decisions based on where regeneration should be prioritised Decisions on international migration / foreign investment may have indirect impacts on regeneration. What role do local government decision makers make in the regeneration of urban / rural areas?

6 Some more high quality evaluation points:
Evaluate the relative importance of local and national government decision makers in the regeneration of either urban or rural areas (20 marks) Some more high quality evaluation points: Both levels of govt share aims to make urban/rural areas more attractive to inward investors. National governments see broader picture, and have greater funding . Local councils may be swayed by public opinion. Cuts in national government funding – impact on options. Projects may have been discussed for years at local level, but national governments push through funding for these projects.

7 Glasgow (although strictly rebranding but mark scheme does allow)
Evaluate the relative importance of local and national government decision makers in the regeneration of either urban or rural areas (20 marks) There are loads of case studies urban and rural (this is not an exhaustive list): Glasgow (although strictly rebranding but mark scheme does allow) Salford Quays Winchester London 2012 Olympics HS2 / Heathrow airport (Infrastructure) Cornwall – Combined Universities Cornwall, Fibre Optic Broadband, EU Funding. Projects may have been discussed for years at local level, but national governments push through funding for these projects.

8 Task Re-plan, and re-do the 20 marker. Everyone can improve upon their mark – aim for 19’s and 20’s this time around! There is a generous turn around time for this considering fieldwork trips and those on DofE etc (including me!). I would like it on my desk the first lesson back after summer holidays! Intro: Define key terms, say what you are going to say in your answer (rural or urban area) ‘both national and local governments have been important for the regeneration of _______________, this answer will evaluate the importance of these decision makers’ P1: National government decision makers, and importance in regeneration projects. P2: Local government decision makers, and importance in regeneration projects. Conclusion: Link back to the question. Are national government decision makers more important and vice versa? Do they each have different roles? Why? This paragraph should have an argument.

9 Tip for Yr13! Those that did particularly well in the mock, attended extra exam technique sessions that Miss Mardell and myself put on. Take advantage of these opportunities!

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