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Year: Reception (Class SG) Curriculum Overview Term: Spring Term

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1 Year: Reception (Class SG) Curriculum Overview Term: Spring Term
Topic Mr Wolf’s Pancakes, Spring, Mother’s Day, Easter. Literacy, Language and Communication Mathematical Development The majority of the Maths learning will be done practically and orally. We use the outdoor area and forest school frequently to complete practical activities come rain or shine! We will be learning to identify about weight-measuring the ingredients to make pancakes, outside we will be playing with our new mud kitchen where we again can measure, discussing what is ‘heavy’ and what is ‘light’. Number work is a large strand that we continue to focus on this term introducing addition and subtraction of numbers We are also working very hard on our number formation- making songs up to help us remember which way to form the numbers. This term we will be initially be focusing on the story Mr. Wolf’s Pancakes. This is a great story which has lots of issues to discuss such as friendship, helping others , realising we are not all good at everything etc. The focus will be on Oracy-discussion, opinions, experiences which is designed to boost children’s confidence , fluency and also increase their vocabulary. We will be writing our own list of ingredients to make pancakes followed by instruction writing- ‘How to make pancakes’ The children have made super progress in their phonic work following the programme Read Write Inc. We are focusing on blending and reading the letters together. Continuous Provision The continuous provision in the classroom is designed so that the children can practise the new skills that they have learnt through play. The continuous provision is enhanced with new elements depending on which of the 6 areas we are working on at the time. The children will access both the indoor and the outdoor provision. This part of the curriculum is very ‘child led’ and allows children to explore different learning areas and reinforce and practise skills taught previously. Knowledge and Understanding of the World The main focus this term is looking at the season ‘Spring’. We will be going for a walk locally round Ruabon to identify features of the season. We will be discussing Easter, starting with Lent and why we have pancakes followed on by learning about the Easter story. We will also be reading the story Mum’s are Superheroes-appreciating all we have and all they do for us. Personal and Social Development The Total of our Learning Wall is ‘Am I a good friend?’ Linking in with our topic we will learn and discuss lots of different characters in the stories and how they behaved to Mr Wolf, discussing the options and what they could have done differently. The children are encouraged to express their own opinions. We will also be looking at ‘Super heroes’ focusing on our parents, highlighting all the things they do for us. (Mother’s Day) As part of the school curriculum, each child will have a person centred profile (PCP) developed for them which displays likes, dislikes, things important to them and thigs they’re good at. Creative Development In line with our Topics, the children will be given the opportunity to use lots of different mark making tools and materials. The children will learn how to mix different shades/tones of colours such as blue and green. We will learn the different names for the colours too. We will be creating our own learning journey wall, where we will make the different houses seen in the story. We will also be painting our own characters in the story. Any other news… Class Assembly at the later end of the term- further details to follow. Welsh Language The focus for Welsh is the use of incident al Welsh language both inside and outside the classroom such as Greetings, manners, colours, numbers, and singing ‘Penblwydd Hapus’ . We will be linking in our Literacy in by chatting about ‘Crempog’ (pancakes) The children will learning the pattern ‘Dwi’n hoffi..? (I like )

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