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Strategy on statistical cooperation with enlargement countries 2014-2020 (Doc MGSC/2013/07) Fifteenth meeting of the Management Group on Statistical Cooperation.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategy on statistical cooperation with enlargement countries 2014-2020 (Doc MGSC/2013/07) Fifteenth meeting of the Management Group on Statistical Cooperation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategy on statistical cooperation with enlargement countries 2014-2020 (Doc MGSC/2013/07)
Fifteenth meeting of the Management Group on Statistical Cooperation Luxembourg, March 2013

2 Background New multi-annual budget of EU 2014-2020
Revised IPA Regulation - IPA II Previous strategy for statistical cooperation expires in 2013 Good moment to reflect what was achieved until now with the IPA money and what do we want to do in the coming period

3 Approach Stakeholder involvement
Task force to draft a new strategy (IS,ME,RS,TR) Draft of the strategy document presented to the MGSC for discussion Finalisation of the strategy in autumn 2013

4 Questions for discussion, start
Q1. What is the overall aim of the strategy – to focus on the statistics chapter of the acquis as a goal in itself? to focus on policy needs, in particular EU policy needs? the issue of frequent change to policies? Q2. What is expected to happen with those enlargement countries that (perhaps) do not join the EU by 1/1/2021? what kind of support will they need? Q3. How realistic is the strategy? countries are at very different stages of development? how to better reflect the starting point of the strategy?

5 Questions for discussion, cont'd
Q4. What should be the target of the strategy and the related cooperation? full compliance achieved by (or before) year 2020, at least for a few countries or compliance with a part of the acquis and in that case, by when? Q5. Why could it be relevant for enlargement countries to sign Commitments of Confidence? Q6. What are the best indicators for monitoring the implementation of the strategy? Q7. What is the coverage of this strategy – EU support? bilateral support? how can the strategy be used for national efforts?

6 Questions for discussion, final
Q8. What is the role of current Member States in relation to candidate countries? How can MS contribute to the implementation of the strategy? Q9. How can the document address the anticipated developments in the ESS and the countries in the region? Q10. What other tools and instruments would be appropriate to achieving the intended results? Are there any other instruments that could be efficiently applied?

7 Thank you for your attention!

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