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Review process What’s involved?.

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1 Review process What’s involved?

2 Middle Leaders’ Role in Review Process
Collect evidence in order to support judgements for quality of T and L Provide Reviewer with appropriate data for specified groups & KS results, examination Collate evidence folder with ZDP, YPADs Organise samples of pupil work for scrutiny Allocate time for Middle Leader to meet with Review Lead

3 Reviewer’s Role Gather evidence to enable quality assurance of middle leaders’ judgements Scrutinise data against National Averages/Value added performance/KS2 baseline data, including records of analyses of data that underpins judgements made. Conduct short Lesson Observations with HOZ where appropriate with targeted areas of focus. Agree aspects of review areas to be jointly conducted with Senior Leadership Link.

4 Gather evidence on how well particular groups of pupils are learning and making progress, including SEN, PP, WBB via tracking of small groups in lessons. Sample pupil work from above groups and their contribution to whole school policies of Marking, Literacy etc Assess the impact of leadership and management systems, the robustness of self evaluation and the quality of M&E on raising standards.

5 Findings A written report based on the evidence attained over the 2 day review in line with Ofsted criteria. Verbal feedback to Middle Leaders and areas for improvement identified and agreed. Meetings established with HOZ/ SLT member to plan priority actions as a result of review/ milestones in place to assess impact of actions being addressed.. Generic issues to be identified to T and L team for future whole staff inset.

6 Building on Ofsted Findings
How far have departments begun to tackle/address the following issues? Is teaching consistently good across years 7- 9 Is there an appropriate level of challenge provided to ensure all students make good progress from their starting points Do students understand what they need to do to improve further from the marking Which aspects of Literacy and Numeracy show evidence of improvement. Do All HOZ have a rigorous M and E structure in place to raise standards.

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